Transformed by the Gospel
Sharing the love of Christ through prayer and medical care
Last Saturday when Hannah and I were ministering with Redeemer San Diego and La Nueva Jerusalén in Ensenada was definitely a highlight on the year. It filled…
Oriesa with Jose Zunun
One of the young women, Oriesa Wiyona, who made up part of the medical outreach team from Redeemer San Diego shared her perspective on the trip. She did a great job sharing her story, so I wanted…
Medical Missions Outreach!
Redeemer San Diego medical missions team
It certainly wasn't easy to pull it off. I felt like we had to climb a mountain and then walk through a forest to make the medical missions trip happen, but it…
Church Planting Connection
JD Pearring leading our church planters connection time
I'm driving back from Phoenix with Pastor Daniel Nuñez and Julio. We spent the day connecting with church planters. After talking about church planting, encouraging and praying for one another,…
How Often Should I Post on My Blog?
David Jr. Jonathan & Dave
Just the other day someone challenged me to consider posting on my blog every day. It was actually my son, David. He heard about the idea on a…
God's Fountain of healing love!
Rocio, Hannah, Ivan and Aaron
This last week Hannah and I visited our Pastor Ivan and Rocio at their church in Ribera de Bosque. It is always a real joy to spend some time with these…
Not a Good Day, but God Still Reigns!
The Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day!
Do you remember the children's book, Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day by Judith Viorst? We experienced a day like Alexander this…
Good Times in La Morita
Dave preaching at Ministerios Transformation in La Morita Tijuana
Car problems, healing and friends that's what made up our Sunday afternoon. Apart from the car problems it was an inspiring time.
Dawn, David Jr. and Hannah joined…
Discovery Center Assessment
The church planting candidates working through an exercise during the Discovery Center
Eleven candidates experienced two and a half days of adventure, learning and a level of stress. Hopefully, it was worth it. I think it was.
The reason…
The Church Marches Forward in TJ
Pastor Daniel Nuñez leading the missions service for Ministerios Transformación
As the church advances there is often opposition. Should we be surprised? I think Jesus even promised us that in this world we would encounter…