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A Day To Celebrate!

Two Significant Achievements!

Celebrating the first year anniversary at Plan Libertador in Rosarito

Today was two churches that we are connected with celebrated a significant achievement. Pastor Victor Bravo and his wife, Sol celebrated the first year anniversary of their church in Rosarito. Pastor Ivan Casados and his wife, Rocio celebrated the second anniversary of their church in Tijuana Ribera de Bosque.
Dawn and I take great joy in the growth of these two churches as we partnered with Ministerios Transformación to help plant them.
It’s a beautiful thing to see a church planted. To have the love of Christ invade a community where there was darkness.

Victor & Sol Bravo in Rosarito

Pastor Victor Bravo & Sol with Pastor Daniel Nuñez & Yolanda

This morning Dawn, Hannah and I went to see Victor and Sol to celebrate with them. Unfortunately, we got the times mixed up and missed the celebration, but we had a wonderful time praying with and encouraging Victor and Sol as they ministered to us as well.
In the community of Plan Libertador in Rosarito where Victor and Sol’s church is planted just a year ago there was not a church to be found. The light of Christ has literally invaded the darkness. Many in the community have given their lives to Christ. God is on the move, and there is a sense of excitement.
Victor and Sol have an infectious enthusiasm. Their love for Christ and love for the people is readily apparent. I always come away encouraged after I’ve spent some time with them!

Ivan & Rocio Casados in Ribera de Bosque

Dave with Pastor Ivan Casados and his wife Rocio and Aaron at a church we helped plant in 2014
Pastor Ivan Casados & Rocio with Aaron & Dave

A similar story can be told about Ivan and Rocio in Ribera de Bosque. Ivan and Rocio are very caring and loving people. They make  good team, and the church loves them.
Ivan recently completed a two year incubator training for church planters. He is hungry to learn, and I see him implementing the things he is learning.
What a high privilege it is for Dawn and me to partner with such quality men and women. Both of these couples have a deep and growing love for Christ. We feel blessed to call them friends.
These churches are still at the beginning of their journey. The will go on to touch many more lives, and to shine the light of Christ ever so brightly in the communities that they serve in! Hallelujah!
Thanks for all your prayers and support that has helped make these ministries possible.
In His Grip, Dave


  • By Alice
    Posted April 11, 2016 at 7:00 am

    So exciting!!

  • By Sol
    Posted April 11, 2016 at 1:17 pm

    Gracias David, Lety y Hanna, por su amor y apoyo en todo momento. Dios les bendiga siempre.😉

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted April 12, 2016 at 10:43 pm

      Gracias a ustedes – han sido una gran bendición para nosotros!

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