A Cross Border, Cross-cultural Encounter
Redeemer SD youth group with Colegio Grecia youth in Ensenada
Last Saturday I took a youth group from Redeemer San Diego Church to Ensenada to connect with our friends Petri and Yudy. The Lord gave us…

God's Reassurance
Hannah with Daisy in front of the flowers that bloom this time of year near our home
I've gone back and forth as to whether I should share my experience via this site or not. I'm finding it hard…
Travel, Hellos and Goodbyes
David Jr. with Dawn and Dave in Napa, CA. Our last day together before David left for Connecticut
Last week Dawn and I were traveling in Northern California for a ministry meeting. We were also able to…
Growing Together in the Gospel
Dave leading a Session on the Gospel, the Cycle of Renewal
God's deep love for us is beyond comprehension. His grace is indescribable. The more we ponder what Jesus did for us on the cross through…
Dr. Lloyd Kim sharing at MTW regional hub meeting
Yesterday Dawn and I went to a luncheon in Encinitas at Redeemer Church to promote missions with Mission to the World (MTW). It was a wonderful event as we heard from MTW's…

Coaches Needed
Dave leading a session on coaching with Alcides De La CruzWhy do we leave leaders to struggle on their own? Why do some leaders isolate themselves from others? The casualties of those leaving the ministry every month are…
The Battle Rages, but We are Victorious in Christ
Pastor Obed Lares and Cesiah
I am convinced that our Lord is doing a good work, despite all the pain and all the sorrow we are going through with the loss of…
A New Year with New Opportunities
David Sr., Jonathan, Dawn & David Jr. Our new normal
There are some positives to starting a new year. It gives us a chance to recalibrate. We can look back on the past year, and…
Tragedy of Death and Hope in 2016
Our last family photo with Hannah
When I look back over this last year there are a number of wonderful accomplishments that we've seen the Lord do. Unfortunately, all of these achievements are overshadowed…
God's gift of healing during this time of Christmas
David & Dawn with Frank Batista
Dawn is gifted in sensing when people are in pain physically or emotionally. She loves to pray for people and minister to them when they are struggling,…