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God Uses Special Friends!

God Has Blessed Us With Some Amazing Friends

Dave & Dawn with the Cisneros family
Dave & Dawn with the Cisneros family

Some of my favorite friends are the Cisneros family. I first met them when I was a young, fledgling seminary student in 1985. I came down to Mexico City with Dr. William Iverson and 16 other students and professors. That was a life changing trip for me, because it was there that the Lord first called me to serve in Mexico.
Through the years Dawn and I have been able to stay in touch with the Cisneros’s. We’ve prayed for each other, and encouraged one another. They are a family that is deeply committed to Christ. I first met them, because of they were serving with Campus Crusade for Christ, now Cru. Then later they began to work with Operation Mobilization. They continue to serve in missions in Mexico, and other countries.
They are like family to Dawn and me, and we have a strong love for one another.

The Impact of Hannah’s Life!

Dave & Angel on the street outside Angel's home
Dave & Angel on the street outside Angel’s home

This reunion was special in many ways, as it was the first time Dawn and I have seen them since Hannah passed away. They made a special effort to love on us and encourage us.
Angel's daughter, Ana Rut
Angel’s daughter, Ana Rut

Angel Cisneros who is now like the patriarch of the family had three of his children with us. All of them were sharing how Hannah’s life and death impacted them. One of them, Ana Rut said she remembered Hannah being happy as a small child, and she saw how she grew to love Christ as she became a young woman. She said that Hannah’s death really impacted her, and made her think about her own life and her own devotion to Christ. She shared this through her tears, which brought Dawn and me to tears.
They were healthy, cleansing tears, and we felt so much better after we had cried together. One of my prayers has been and continues to be that Hannah’s death was not in vain. I suppose I know in the grand scheme of things God uses even death, so it’s not in vain, but I want to see an impact left by my beautiful daughter’s life. Ana Rut’s story was an answer to this longing that I’ve had. She told me as well as the family told both Dawn and me that Hannah’s life and example touch many people’s lives.

The Lord Met Us in a Special Way

After a wonderful meal we were able to sing together, and then pray together. They asked us if we would pray for them and pray over them, and it was a very special time. We all sensed the presence of the Lord as he ministered in us and through us. Hallelujah!
Thank you Jesus for the Cisneros family. Wonderful servants of yours, and we do pray your rich and bountiful blessing over them.
In His Grip, Dave


  • By sustainabilitea
    Posted April 18, 2017 at 7:57 am

    What a blessing to have Christian friends like this to be with you in joy and in sorrow. God uses them to impact you, just as He uses Dawn’s death to impact them and many others.

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted April 18, 2017 at 8:14 am

      Thank you and we are grateful that he is using Hannah’s death in ways that we don’t even understand. It’s hard, it’s painful, but the Lord is with us.

  • Trackback: Earthquake Strikes Again: Pray for Mexico! | Our Life On The Border

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