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We are the Easter people and hallelujah is our song —Pope John Paul II

Harbor Mid-City Easter Sunday! Worship
Harbor Mid-City Easter Sunday!

The message of Easter is one of hope. Light breaks through the darkness. We live in a world that seems hopeless and in despair. The resurrection is the game changer. That’s why hallelujah is our song!
When God enters in it is reminder that there is hope. When the gospel truly does break forth it gives us reason to rejoice. Often we are not singing hallelujah, because our spiritual eyes and ears are not open to what the Lord is doing all around us. Maybe we’ve forgotten what our savior did for us on Good Friday and Easter Sunday.
One of the ways we learn of how God is working in a community is listening to the testimony of his people. On Easter Sunday, Danny Kim put together a marvelous video that tells the story of three changed lives.
Moses and Oliva both came to know the resurrected savior in a very personal way this last year. God worked in Timonthy’s heart and gave him the strength to forgive someone who had abused him years ago.
It brought tears to my eyes to observe how the Lord had redeemed the lives of these friends. I know that the Lord used the testimonies of these transformed lives to touch the hearts of many who were there to worship the risen savior.

Resurrection: Finding New Life in Jesus Christ!

Give thanks with us for the Lord’s marvelous work, and for these transformed lives!
In His Grip, Dave


  • By sustainabilitea
    Posted April 9, 2013 at 9:18 am

    While I love Christmas, Easter is really what defines Christianity. If it weren’t for the resurrection, our faith would be in vain (hmmm, has that been said before???) 🙂
    Wishing you the joy of Easter year-round,

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted April 11, 2013 at 9:36 am

      I love the focus of Easter on Christ and his resurrection! It is a day that can be celebrated all year around.

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