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Thrilled By Transformation: God is at Work!

I Can’t Keep Up!

Claves 1 - Keys for a Transformed Life
Claves 1 – Keys for a Transformed Life

There are so many good things going on that I’m having a hard time keeping up with it all! That is a good problem to have, right? 😉
Last week we partnered with Ministerios Fuente de Gracia and Ministerios Transformación to hold a course on The Keys for a Transformed Life in Spanish Claves para la Vida Transformada.

Thrilled by the Transformation

Rosa and her son, Mauro receiving their certificate from Jose Juan and Jeinny for completing the course
Rosa and her son, Mauro receiving their certificate from Jose Juan and Jeinny for completing the course

This is the second time in the last year that we’ve held this course in Tijuana. About mid-way through the week those taking the course get so excited about what they are learning they start asking about the next class. There is a Claves 2 (Keys 2). the course actually has four modules.
Not only do the participants start asking about when we can organize Claves 2, but they start thinking about their friends. They wish their friends and their family members could have taken the course.
Dawn and I had the same reaction when we first took Claves about three years ago. The power of the gospel shines on people’s lives. As they confess their sins to one another, repent and forgive they experience a new found freedom in Christ.

Cut Off the Roots

Calvin Anderson the leader of the Ministerios Fuente de Gracia teaching one of the lessons
Calvin Anderson the leader of the Ministerios Fuente de Gracia teaching one of the lessons

So many Christians seem to get stuck in their walk with Christ. There is a sense in which the answer is to return to our first love, and to practice the basics. Another key point is that we are prone to treat symptoms rather than the root issues. Claves gives people a handle on how to begin to find the roots of the bad fruit in their lives. Then we show them how to cut the roots off.
This is a life long process, but we have to begin somewhere. I find that many believers don’t even know where to start. So it’s a real eye-opening experience to learn these truths. Dawn and I have used the teaching found in Claves to mentor and disciple pastoral couples.
We are so thankful for the Lord leading us to our friends with Ministerios Fuente de Gracia who lead and teach the Claves courses. It’s been a fruitful partnership that the Lord has given us with them. Hallelujah! Our prayer is that more and more leaders and people in the church will experience true freedom in Christ. Freedom in the gospel.

Stand With Us In Prayer

Thanks for praying for us.
I’m going to be heading to Cuba this Sunday, April 24 – Friday April 29th to work with a team to train coaches for ministry in Havana. God is doing a marvelous work in Cuba, so I’m excited to be a part of it. Pray for my time in Cuba, as well as for Dawn, Hannah and David while I’m away. Pray that they not only do well, but that they thrive!
In His Grip, Dave


  • By Dianne Barlowe
    Posted April 22, 2016 at 6:18 am

    Exciting, David! Is this your first trip to Cuba? We will be praying. Dianne  

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted April 22, 2016 at 8:07 am

      Yes, it will be my first time in Cuba. I’m looking forward to it. Thanks for praying!

  • By Larry Who
    Posted April 22, 2016 at 10:33 am

    What is Claves?

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted April 22, 2016 at 12:36 pm

      Good question, I should have clarified that. Claves means Keys. The course is called Keys for a Transformed Life

      • By Larry Who
        Posted April 22, 2016 at 1:06 pm

        Is that from a ministry?

        • By diasolifeontheborder
          Posted April 22, 2016 at 1:17 pm

          The foundation for the course comes out of Elijah House, but in Mexico the ministry we partner with is Ministerios Fuente de Gracia.

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