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The Power of God’s Word

Dave speaking while on itineration last week

Recently while I was itinerating in the Baltimore area someone asked me about my devotional life. The question was something like, “what are you doing in your quiet time, or your devotional life.” The question did make me stop, and think about the journey that God has me on. Just like any Christian I have my ups and downs concerning my devotional life, and my walk with God. I’ve been praying that God would give me an increased love for His Word. That I would hunger and thirst after righteousness. Dawn and I have been praying for an increased love for the Word of God. Satan the enemy of our soul seeks to derail us. He wants to keep us from reading our Bibles, because he knows God’s Word does not return void. There is much power in Christ’s Words. They nourish our soul!
In the past year or so I’ve had a few friends that have read the Bible through in 90 days. That always intrigued me, but I was afraid to try it. I wasn’t sure I could keep up. On April 1st I decided to begin reading the Bible through in 90 days. I’m on day 24, and I’ve enjoyed it. I think there is great value in reading large portions of scripture in one sitting. Since most of the Bible was written as a narrative, it helps to read through the whole story, so it doesn’t get chopped up. I feel like the Lord has blessed, encouraged and challenged me as I’ve been on this journey. This may not be something for everyone, but it has helped draw me closer to Christ. I do believe that it’s important as we are on this Christian journey that we keep our relationship with Christ fresh. One way we can do that is by doing new things, and stretching ourselves in the process.
Pray that our love for Christ would never wane, that it would never grow cold, that each day we will draw nearer and closer to Him. This gospel we proclaim has the power to change lives! Hallelujah, He is Risen! Praise our Risen King!
In His Grip, Dave