Victory in Jesus Over Santeria

In the last month we’ve received a number of messages from our familia on the Big Island informing us about the battle that they are experiencing. The battle rages on, but they are seeing victory as the light of Christ penetrates the darkness.
One of the pastors, Nelson told us that their church has been dedicating time to prayer and fasting for breakthrough. He said as they were faithful to pray that the Lord answered in a big way. A woman who not only was involved in witchcraft, but she was a leader among them. She led a group of people involved in ‘brujería’, witchcraft in the city where Nelson’s church is located. It may be hard to believe coming from our context, but she’s led hundreds of people because there are so many people who are involved in Santeria in that area.
At the beginning of the year, the church felt compelled to pray against the evil in their city. They were praying all night long against the Santeria in their city, which is a form of idolatry and witchcraft. This woman who was a leader of Santeria in their city came to one of the church members and confessed that she was broken and that she couldn’t continue in her wicked ways. She just couldn’t do it anymore. They shared the love of Christ with her, and she gave her life to Jesus. Now she is growing in her relationship with Jesus and she is involved in the church.
Wow! Amazing! Thank you Jesus!
There is power in the name of Jesus!
The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail

As Jesus says in Matthew 16, the gates of hell shall not prevail against the church. In Ephesians 6 Paul exhorts us to stand firm against the schemes of the devil, because our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against powers and principalities.
Our prayers, your prayers are powerful. We destroy arguments and take down every lofty opinion that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. We are more than conquerors in Christ!
Our Familia Needs Your Help

Thank you so much for standing with us in prayer for all of our familia in Mexico and on the Big Island. Thank you for your donations that bring aid to the hurting and the downtrodden. One of our church planters on the Big Island, Lucas and Maria just sent me a note and asked for help, because the prices are going so high. A bottle of detergent costs $24 USD, and the average salary is only $25 USD a month. How are they supposed to live under such conditions? Basic food items like rice and beans cost 2 to 3 times as much as they did just a few months ago. Not only are prices high, but they have to wait in long lines to get their food, because there isn’t much food available.
Please extend your hands to help!
Dawn and I realize that after sharing these needs with you for a few months the urgency seems to wear off, but the need is even greater now, and we don’t know when things will get better. We’d like to ask you to make a generous donation today for our familia. They are so thankful every time they receive the donations that we are sending them. I wish you could see their smiles, and the gratitude that we can see on their faces when they receive the aid that we are giving to them. Give today your gift goes a long way. Extend your hands to provide food and basic necessities for a family in need!

In His Grip, Dave
By rulookingforjesus
The work you do is so needed thank you for your commitment to the work of the Lord
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