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The Incomparable Peace of Christ

Our Weekend in Fresno

Dave at Sierra View
Dave at Sierra View

This weekend Dawn and I along with two of our kids, David and Hannah were able to go to my home town, Fresno. Sunday morning I preached at Sierra View Presbyterian Church on Philippians 4:1-9, on The Incomparable Peace of Christ.

God’s Perfect Peace

One of my favorite passages and a wonderful hope filled message. I shared the following three points during my Sermon

Three Keys for Peace
  1. Always Rejoice
  2. Pray in all occasions 
  3. Focus your thinking on what is Excellent

I love the promise that God gives us in this passage in verses 6-7.
The promise of the peace of God that surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus
It’s like the soldiers that are ready, watching over, guarding and protecting the city. The Lord watches over and protects us.
What a beautiful promise of God that he will care for us and protect us. It’s something that should bring us much peace and encouragement. We know that God loves us and he rules over all things, so he has a good purpose for everything that happens.
Even though God doesn’t always respond to our prayers how we would like him to – he does respond how we would if we knew all that God knows!
I’m so grateful that the Prince of Peace promises us a peace that passes our understanding. An incomprehensible peace, because it’s so huge. As we pray God does respond. These are promises that are worth remembering and meditating on.
I pray that they will be a blessing to you as well.

God’s blessing in my hometown

Some of the things that made it extra special for me to be able to be in my home town and preach at Sierra View are that my parents and my brother and his family were able to be there with us! Also, Sierra View has been the church that has partnered with us for the longest, since we started in ministry in 1988. We’ve known each other for a long time.
Thank you Lord for your many blessings and for encouraging me and my family through your people this weekend.
I’m off to Los Cabos and La Paz this Monday morning to help set up our new church planting project in La Paz and to look over the damage done by Hurricane Odile. Pray for a profitable trip and the Lord watches over and cares for my family while I’m gone.
In His Grip, Dave


  • By sustainabilitea
    Posted October 28, 2014 at 12:06 pm

    This message was an encouragement to me today, so thanks very much.

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted October 31, 2014 at 10:18 pm

      Glad that the Lord used it to encourage you – I pray the Lord’s rich blessings on you!

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