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God is Building His Church in Colima
Dawn and Dawn with Pastor Jose Luis and Mariel, Josefat, Asaf and Mariel’s mom

Colima is located in central-western Mexico and is the capital of the State with the same name. It is located a few hours south of Guadalajara. It’s a beautiful city surrounded by volcanoes. Unfortunately, there is much crime, insecurity, and witchcraft, which highlights the need for Jesus!

Pastor Jose Luis Rodriguez and his lovely wife, Mariel are ministering at Puerta de Salvación (Door of Salvation) Church. It’s the only Presbyterian church in the whole State. When I began working with Jose Luis and Mariel three years ago, the church was stuck. This was a church revitalization project. They weren’t growing, and there was a lot of internal conflict.

Pastor Esau Reyes, who was the coordinator of evangelism and church planting with the Presbyterian Church asked me if I would mentor Jose Luis and his wife three and a half years ago. I’ve loved working with Jose Luis and Mariel. They are a very sweet couple, who have a humble heart to learn and reach their community for Christ. They have two young boys, Asaf and Josefat.

The Love of Jesus Changes the Atmosphere
Jose Luis and Mariel at Puerta de Salvación Church

Last year Dawn and I had an opportunity to travel to Colima. We had such a wonderful time getting to know Jose Luis, Mariel, their boys, and the church. It was good to see the Lord at work in his church!

One of the changes that they made in the church is they changed the atmosphere. Where there had been conflict and a lack of forgiveness they began to practice forgiveness and show the love of Christ to one another. The church had been focused on themselves. They began to have an outward focus and they became a welcoming church. They visited new families and shared the gospel with them. These people came to Christ, and the church started growing. Jesus changed the atmosphere through his love.

When I first started meeting with Pastor Jose Luis and Mariel they only had 20 people attending their worship services, and now they are above 50. Evangelism no longer solely depends on Jose Luis and Mariel as the people are inviting their friends and family.

They told me about one couple, Javier and Teresa who have two children. Javier and Teresa heard some talks on YouTube about the gospel by one of our missionaries, Larry Trotter. The Lord used that to guide them to the church, and now they’ve come to faith. Jose Luis is discipling them and they will soon be baptized along with 6 other new believers.

God is at work!

Join Us in Prayer
Mariel and Jose Luis

They asked us to pray that:

  • God will open more doors the the gospel in Colima.
  • God will give them wisdom to lead and pastor the people.
  • That the Lord will continue to strengthen them in their marriage, as well as the other marriages in the church.
  • They are in an old building that needs many repairs.
  • They are praying for more people who are musically gifted.


Dawn and I are grateful that we can be a part of the great and mighty work that God is doing in Mexico, on the Big Island, and in the Dominican Republic. Your prayers and your gifts play a critical role as the gospel goes forth. We are supporting church planters and the life-changing ministries that they are involved in. Extend your hands to support our church planters, our familia today!

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In His Grip, Dave

P.S. Help take the gospel to the Border, the Baja and Beyond

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