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The Band of Brothers (Hermanos)!

Godly Men on the Border!

The group of pastors and leaders in San Antonio de las Minas
These are some of the pastors that serve with Lo Mejor del Trigo

The Lord has richly blessed me with a number of godly men that I serve with on the border. Each week I connect with Mexican pastors. My hope and desire is that I can be a support and an encouragement to them as they lead in the churches they minister in.
I’ve grown to love these men. They are truly hermanos in Christ!

God’s Chosen Ministers

Pastor Daniel Nuñez and Victor Bravo with Dave
Pastor Daniel Nuñez the leader of Lo Mejor del Trigo and Victor Bravo (in the middle), one of our newest church planters with Dave.

I met the leader of Lo Mejor del Trigo (LMT), Pastor Daniel Nuñez about 5 years ago. The Lord has given us some wonderful opportunities to minister together, and as we have seen God move the Lord has also deepened our friendship. Daniel has opened the door for me to get to know the 25 plus pastors that work with LMT.
The Lord is also opening doors and giving me opportunities to get to know and grown closer to the pastors from the National Presbyterian Church of Mexico.
They too are a great group of leaders, who love the Lord. We are beginning to work on some exciting new projects!
With both of these groups we are seeing God do a marvelous work through the new churches and the expansion and outreach of the church.
I give thanks to the Lord for this band of brothers!

Pastors – My Faithful Brothers

The same creative and powerful God who made the beauty of the Sunset cares for you and me!
The same creative and powerful God who made the beauty of the Sunset is working in powerful ways on the Border!

Some of the pastors I’ve grown especially close to. I’ve come to realize as I seek to minister to them and to encourage them in their work that they minister to me as much if not more. It’s such a rich and wonderful blessing.
If you’ve followed our journey you know that our family has been going through some deep waters. These guys and their churches have stood with us. Almost daily I get a note or a phone call from one of them telling me they are praying for us. Some of them are even leading their churches through a season of prayer and fasting for our family.
That is very humbling to realize they love and care for us so much and it truly lifts us up.

Join Us In Prayer!

I do pray that I can be even somewhat as encouraging to them as they have been to us. We join hands and come together and pray that the Lord might have compassion, that the Lord might move in our midst, so we see his Spirit going before us and preparing the way. O Lord, do a mighty work. Open the hearts of men and women as the gospel goes forth.
Thank you Jesus for hearing our prayers!
In His Grip, Dave


  • By Tony Casson
    Posted May 29, 2015 at 7:18 am

    The hard work you all do in Christ’s name is an inspiration to us all. May God continue to bless your service to Him.

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted May 29, 2015 at 7:47 am

      Thank you for the encouragement – I’m grateful the Lord has raised up these men!

    Posted June 1, 2015 at 1:09 am

    Brother Dave, thank you for all the news and we pray for the great work you all do for our Lord, we are with you in prayers in India please pray for the evangelism we do in India in these idolatry regions we have much opposition here not to preach gospel, please remember us in your prayers. Your brother Evangelist Babu and gospel Teams in India.

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