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Stories of Grace! God’s Grace

Encouraged by Stories of God’s Grace

Pastor Victor and Sol
Pastor Victor and Sol

Every time I’m with Pastor Victor and Sol I come away encouraged by all the God Stories. The Lord is definitely on the move in Plan Libertador. It’s amazing to think that this church just started a little over a year ago.
Victor and Sol told me about Viviana Hernandez and her son, Miguel who recently came to Christ and were just baptized in the church. Miguel is the drum player at the church for the worship team.
They came to the church through a friend that attends the church Viviana says, she was attracted to the church by the love shown and the message. She heard the wonderful message of the gospel of grace and she decided to place her faith in Him.
Then Viviana invited her friend Carmen. They know each other from nursing school. Carmen’s husband is a bodyguard. They have a growing interest in the gospel.

Lupita: The Light of Christ is Shining

Another person who recently came to Christ is Lupita Rodriguez. She’s 22 years old and she was also baptized into the church. She invited her mom to church. Lupita’s mom has a number of health problems, so they’ve been ministering to her and praying for her. Lupita is grateful and her mom is encouraged by all the love they’ve received.
Lupita has a contagious faith and she started sharing the gospel with her cousin, Cristal and she has started attending the church. God is moving through his people. Babes in Christ.

Loving & Caring for Orphans

Pastor Victor, Sol & Abraham with Dave, Dawn and Hannah
Pastor Victor, Sol & Abraham with Dave, Dawn and Hannah

The church is ministering in an orphanage in the community – it’s called Nueva Generación – New Generation. Sol, who is a trained psychologist is meeting with the children and their parents. They have 17 children and the directors are coming to the church on Sundays.
The ministry is growing as they lovingly share the message of Jesus. Victor and Sol are two of my heroes, and I think if you knew them they would also be your heroes. To God be the Glory!
In His Grip, Dave