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So Much to be Thankful For in 2015!

God’s Amazing Work of Grace in 2015!

Dave with Victor and Sol Bravo in front of their church
Dave with Victor and Sol Bravo in front of their church

As we approach the end of 2015 it’s a time to reflect on all that the Lord has done! A time to remember all we have to be thankful for.
I’d like to share some of the highlights from this past year.
One of the favorite things I’ve been able to do over the past four years is partner with Lo Mejor del Trigo to start a new church. This March we were able to come alongside our friends led by Pastor Daniel Nuñez to help start church number 24 for LMT. Pastor Victor Bravo is leading this church in Rosarito, Mexico – Plan Libertador. I recently had the opportunity to interview Victor and his wife, Sol and upload it on YouTube. You can view the video below.

Praying for Peace in La Paz

Dave, Dawn and Hannah with Peter & Jenny, Victor, Fanny and Xaris in La Paz
Dave, Dawn and Hannah with Peter & Jenny, Victor, Fanny and Xaris in La Paz

In May Pastor Victor Gonzalez moved to La Paz, Baja California Sur with his wife, Fanny and their daughter Xaris to start a new church planting project. This is a huge win for us as it took a lot of effort to get this project started. This will be the first Presbyterian church with the National Presbyterian Church of Mexico in this city of 250,000. We are praying for many to come to know the Prince of Peace in La Paz.

Keys to a Transformed Life!

This summer a number of pastors, leaders and missionaries went through a workshop on Keys to a Transformed Life with us in San Antonio de Las Minas near Ensenada. The Lord broke through in their lives and brought healing and renewal as we dealt with root issues. As the Lord heals us, we become more effective in leading others towards wholeness in Christ.

VBS fun!
VBS fun!

Summer VBS Fun

Another highlight during the summer was having a group from Skyview Presbyterian Church come to work with the Nueva Jerusalen church in Ensenada. This was the second year in a row that the church has come to help with VBS. As a result of a return visit we saw relationships deepened, and the ministry of the church strengthened. Hallelujah!

God’s Healing Through Medical Missions

God also gave us the opportunity to lead two medical missions outreaches in Ensenada. The medical clinic attracted more people than any outreach Dawn and I have ever been apart of. It was exciting to have such loving and caring doctors and staff treating the patients. The medical attention opened the door for us to pray with each patient and see a number of them put their faith in Christ.

Assessment & Coaching for Church Planters and Leaders

Our group of assessors and church planting candidates
Our group of assessors and church planting candidates

This Fall we held two major events for church planting in Tijuana and Baja California. In November 11 church planting candidate couples went through an assessment center. The need for workers, for church planters remains great, so it was a huge win for us to be able to successfully hold our first assessment center.
Then to finish the year off in December we held our first Gospel Coach training. The Lord gave us a good group of pastors, leaders and missionaries. It was an important first step as we work towards developing a coaching network to support all the pastors, leaders and church planters we are working with.

So Much to be Thankful For!

These are the highlights. There are too many wonderful things that the Lord did to mention them all. It’s so good to think back on God’s outstanding work. The church is advancing! It’s a reminder that we are more than conquerors in Christ!

Dave & Dawn
Dave & Dawn

Dawn and I are cognizant of the fact that we couldn’t be involved in these activities, and we wouldn’t have success if we didn’t have a wonderful group of friends and ministry partners surrounding us! We give thanks for you. Your prayers and your encouragement are vital to the advance of the gospel on the Border, the Baja and Beyond!
We can’t wait to see what the Lord will do in 2016! Hallelujah!

Help Us End the Year Strong

Join us in prayer so that we will end the year strong financially so that we’re able to capitalize on the exciting opportunities in front of us in 2016!
In His Grip, Dave

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