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Short-term trips, Long-term Dreams

God lifts Us Up to Serve

As we climb out of this trial we’ve been going through, or should I say as God lifts us out of this trial, things are looking up for us. In the Lord’s grace we are able to get back in the groove of ministry.

Ensenada & Denver Come Together

Iglesia Nueva Jerusalén in Ensenada
Iglesia Nueva Jerusalén in Ensenada

On Wednesday, Dawn, Hannah and I went to Ensenada for some ministry meetings to set up a short-term missions project for the summer. Skyview Church from Denver is planning on coming to work with the church in Ensenada.
Iglesia Nueva Jerusalén, New Jerusalem church, in Ensenada will receive Skyview. The church from Denver will work the Ensenada church to reach out in the community.
I met the Nueva Jerusalén church last summer, and they asked me if I could find a church to partner with them in ministry by helping with VBS, and other community outreach.

Encouragement Through Short-term Ministry

Ricardo Sanchez, one of the leaders from the church that we are working with
Ricardo Sanchez, one of the leaders from the church that we are working with

I enjoy groups that come down to minister. Our desire is to see this ministry project be an encouragement to the Mexican church, and a great opportunity to learn, grow and serve for both groups.
Nueva Jerusalén doesn’t have a pastor right now, but they are a good group of people who love the Lord. They have a heart to see the Word of God go forth, and to reach their city for Christ.

Our Dream

This is a short-term trip, but our long-term dream is that one day soon we will plant a new church in Ensenada. We are talking to a couple right now that are applying to Mission to the World, and they would like to minister with us in Ensenada.
Our prayer is that this experience will not only be an encouragement and blessing to both of these groups, but that it will open the doors for further ministry. O that God’s kingdom will be expanded in Ensenada.

Join us in Prayer

Dawn & Hannah enjoying some fish & shrimp tacos! Ensenada is famous for it's fish tacos, so it was a  cultural experience - Muy sabroso!
Dawn & Hannah enjoying some fish & shrimp tacos! Ensenada is famous for it’s fish tacos, so it was a cultural experience – Muy sabroso!

Pray with us as we bring this trip together. There are a lot of details that go into setting up these ministry trips. One of our prayer requests is that the Lord would bring someone to work with us that has organizational and administrative gifts. Someone that can help us grow our short-term mission trip ministry and ministries of mercy.
God does provide we just have to wait on his timing.
In His Grip, Dave


  • By A Servant
    Posted February 28, 2014 at 4:34 pm

    It is easy to romanticize about missions but the reality you live every day wouldn’t fit that dream. I appreciate your willingness to do the hard things, to feel the loneliness, to worry about needed resources and to do the grunt work so that a window of opportunity would open to see the fleeting dream most think mission work is every day.

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted March 2, 2014 at 11:03 pm

      Thank you – I appreciate your kind words of encouragement. Sometimes it is tough, but the Lord takes care of us and grows us through the process.

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