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Ringing the Bell for Missions!

Linking for Missions Mobilization

Dawn, Hannah & Dave at MTW's Link conference
Dawn, Hannah & Dave at MTW’s Link conference

This past weekend Dawn, Hannah and I had the opportunity to participate in MTW’s Link conference in Escondido. Link is designed to mobilize new people for missions.
We were given the opportunity to share about our work in Mexico on the border and the Baja. There were also missionaries there who represented, Peru, Costa Rica, Australia, Germany and other European countries.
This was the first time that MTW tried to do a mobilization event in the West.

Thankful for the Blessings & Benefits!

Barbara Jones directing us at MTW's Link event in Escondido, CA
Barbara Jones directing us at MTW’s Link event in Escondido, CA

There weren’t quite as many people there as we hoped for, but it was still a positive event. I felt like it was beneficial in many ways.
It was a good first step at promoting missions in the western U.S.

  • I loved the opportunity to meet and interact with the people who came, and the other missionaries.
  • MTW has some quality people, which is encouraging to see.
  • I enjoy telling our story, and the promoting the outworking of the great commission.
  • It was wonderful having Dawn and Hannah at the conference with me.
Pray for Workers!

MTW the Baja Team! Ringing the bell for the border, and the Baja!
MTW the Baja Team! Ringing the bell for the border, and the Baja!

I believe that Christ’s commission is a timeless mandate, and his desire for us to pray for workers also continues till the end of the world.

…”The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”                                —Matthew 9:37, 38

We must continue to ring the bell for missions, and look to the Lord of the harvest to send workers. He can and will do it, so let’s be faithful to pray in faith!
In His Grip, Dave

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