Memorial Day Brings Back Memories

I remember when I was growing up that my grandma, Joan Diaso, used to tell us what a bad time of year her birthday fell on. She was born on May 30th, and since that is when our country has set aside a day to remember and honor those that have gone before us, and those who have died in battle it wasn’t a good day for a birthday celebration. My grandma would go to the cemetery to take flowers to the graves of her loved ones. That didn’t put her in a celebratory mood.
I thought about that this last week, because Dawn and I went to Fresno and visited the cemetery where my parents are buried. My grandparents on both sides are also buried in the same cemetery. I wanted to go to the cemetery in part, because it was one year ago on May 26th that my dad moved to heaven.
I can’t say that I enjoy visiting cemeteries, but it does make me feel a little closer to my loved ones, in this case my parents. I realize that only their bodies are there. It gives me comfort knowing that they are now celebrating in heaven.
On the day we left Fresno I felt sentimental as we drove out of the city. I realized that much of my past and one of the primary reasons I visit Fresno, the city where I grew up, was no longer there. My parents have moved on.
It does give me much comfort knowing that both of my parents are now in heaven. As we like to say, “they’ve moved to heaven.” I love the hope of heaven and that there is no sadness, no sickness and no separation in heaven. Hallelujah!
Honoring My Parents Memory

Dawn and I felt like one of the best ways to honor my parents memory was to help start a church in memory of them. This July we will be partnering with our good friends from Ministerios Transformación, led by Pastor Daniel Nuñez, to build a church in honor of my parents memory.
We are excited that we are getting close to the date in July when we will go down to build the church. A new church means that the light of Christ is coming into a new community. It means transformed lives. These are some of the reasons we love to start new churches.
Extend Your Hands to Pray and Give!

You can play a part in helping us to make this dream a reality by making a donation for the Ron & Virginia Diaso Memorial Church. Pray for us as we work with Pastor Daniel and his team to build the church. Pray that many will be won to Christ through this church. Make a donation today by clicking on the donate button below.

In His Grip, Dave
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