Truth and Life Church

Dawn and I hope that you had a wonderful Christmas and that your New Year is off to a great start!
One of our best Christmas presents was the inauguration of Verdad y Vida, “Truth and Life” Church. On December 17th, just one week before Christmas Pastor Federico, his wife Blanca and their ministry team held the inaugural celebration service in Mexicali, Mexico. It was a wonderful celebration! Over 100 people showed up, and there wasn’t enough room for everyone to fit in the church.
Since we arrived to the border in 2012 this is the ninth church plant that Dawn and I have raised the funds for so that we can construct the church building. It’s wonderful for us to see the Lord’s hand at work extending the kingdom. Of course, there are a number of individuals and churches that have helped us so that we could accomplish this feat. We give thanks for all the prayers, and to all those who gave! We give thanks to Jesus! Ultimately, we do this to glorify God and to disciple the nations. Jesus told his disciples that they would be his witnesses and that we are to make more disciples, so that the kingdom is extended. Our desire is to glorify God and populate heaven in the process.

We give thanks also for the amazing work that Federico and Blanca Muñoz did in planting this church. It’s not easy to plant a church. Federico admitted during the service that there were a couple of times when he thought about quitting, because of the challenges he was facing in growing the church. They began doing their outreach, and the initial stages of planting the church just a few months before the pandemic shut everything down.
I admire the Muñoz family a great deal, because they have shown tremendous commitment to serve the Lord. This is not only true for Federico and Blanca, but also for their four children: Junior, Daniel, David and Damaris. Each of them have played a key role in seeing this church succeed.
Transformed Lives Touched by Jesus
A church represents changed lives. Lives that have been transformed by Jesus. There are a number of happy people in the Verdad and Vida church. People that did not know God, or had strayed from him. I came a little early to the service and I met two women who just started attending, and they were helping Blanca make the meal for the celebration.

I really have enjoyed getting to know the people at the church. Gustavo and Irene are a couple that had strayed from the Lord, because they had been hurt in the past. Federico and Blanca showed them the love of Christ, and they’ve become committed members. Gustavo always has a big smile on his face.

It was great to see those who are now part of the church. They are growing in their faith. People like Gilberto and Mary a young couple that recently came to Christ. People like Pascual who I wrote about in one of my recent posts. Pascual’s life has been radically transformed, and now he is one of the most committed members. Every time I see him he is working on the church building.
They all take great pride in having a building after meeting in a park for almost two years. It’s something worth celebrating! God is so good!
Join Us in Prayer!
- Pray for Federico and Blanca as they lead the church, and share the good news of Jesus in the new community that they are in called, Cuernavaca.
- Pray that many more lives will be changed by the gospel.
- Pray for the remaining funds to come in so that they can add a room for the children’s ministry.
Extend Your Hands to Help!

Dawn and I would like to ask you to prayerfully consider making a donation today! We are almost there! Help us accomplish this God-given vision to impact Mexicali for generations to come! We just need $3,000 more to finish building the church. Make a Donation Today.

Video: New Birth in Mexicali, Mexico
In His Grip, Dave
P.S. Help take the gospel to the Border, the Baja and Beyond