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On Mission in Cambodia

God is on the Move

The fascinating country of Cambodia
The fascinating country of Cambodia

I feel very encouraged about how I see God working around the world and that he is using Mission to the World (MTW) among other missions organizations to advance the kingdom of God. I’m in Cambodia for MTW’s worldwide leadership conference. It’s so good to be with so many missionaries who are serving all over the world.

The Importance of a Humility

Earlier today, Dr. Lloyd Kim the new coordinator for MTW spoke on Matthew 6:5-9. In this passage Jesus warns his disciples not to pray like the hypocrites. Dr. Kim warned us of the dangers of being in professional ministry. It’s easy to become cynical and to just go through the motions. God calls us to be humble and to be broken before him.
This is the way of the cross and the way of the gospel.
It was a helpful reminder for me and all my colleagues. We are about a great task, taking the gospel to the nations.

Striking Contrasts between Japan and Cambodia

Some of the foreign gods of Cambodia
Some of the foreign gods of Cambodia

I just left Japan which is the 2nd largest unreached nation in the world. Now I’m in Cambodia a world with many foreign gods. There are reminders all around the hotel we are staying at. Even though there is much work to be done in this nation it is one of the places where the gospel is growing fastest in the world.
What a contrast! I don’t understand fully understand the great why one country is so responsive and another is so cold to the gospel of Christ!

Our Hope!

We are not without hope, because the message we proclaim is a hope filled message. Our job is to sow the seed. We need to learn how to sow it more effectively, but it must be done.
When I’m around so many talented and gifted leaders I often feel different emotions. If I compare myself to them I begin to feel insecure. I don’t stack up! I must remind myself of Christ, and that my worth is in him.
I also feel humbled when I sit around the table with these choice men and women and hear their stories. Dedicate servants who have given their lives to serving the Lord.
Of course as Lloyd Kim reminded us in the morning we are broken people. We all need the gospel and we need it daily.

My Prayer

O Lord, use me in spite of my own brokenness and weaknesses. Use me along with all the saints that serve you in missions. I do pray that Jesus will be preached with power and that many will come to a saving faith and be discipled in that faith. O Lord, hear my prayer!
In His Grip, Dave


  • By Debbie
    Posted September 17, 2014 at 9:24 pm

    I was blessed to hear that we are broken people and need the gospel daily! Thank you, pastor Dave!

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted September 19, 2014 at 1:56 am

      Thank you – I always appreciate your encouragement. Hope you are doing well.

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