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On Earth as it is in Heaven: Kingdom Connections

God is on the Move

Our family at David & Emily’s wedding – Jonathan, Hannah, Grandma Alice Moore, Dawn, David Jr., Emily, David Sr., Grandpa Ron Diaso

Wow! So much is happening that it’s hard to keep up. With our son, David’s wedding with his bride, Emily, and our travels to Pennsylvania it’s been difficult to write and post all that the Lord is doing.
Today in trying to decide what to write about I went back and forth between writing about the wonderful advance in church planting throughout Latin America or about what is going on in Cuba and beyond. The Lord is doing an amazing work in Cuba and through our Cuban friends right now. The people of Cuba are going through a heartbreaking trial right now. Our Cuban brothers and sisters need our prayers, so I will focus on them today.

Our Concern for our Friends in Cuba

Article from The San Diego Union-Tribune from Sunday May 12, 2019 on the Cuban economic crisis

Cuba is going through a shortage of food. This has grown even more pronounced since the start of the year. Our friends have been writing to us and telling us that they are having a hard time getting basics like cooking oil, bread, eggs, pork, and chicken. There is also a shortage of soap. When these items are available they have to wait in long lines for them, and sometimes even travel to other cities to purchase them.
All of our Cuban friends who are pastors and live throughout the country have asked us to pray. So I wanted to make you aware of what is going on and to ask you to join us in prayer for this country and her people. The church goes through even greater persecution depending on the part of the country that the pastor lives and works in.

Kingdom Expansion in the midst of Trials

Luis & May with their children Zuri & David
Lucas* & Maria* with their children Zuri & David

Even amidst all the challenges, there are rays of light that shine as the gospel goes forth. Pastor Lucas* and his wife, Maria* shared with us how they just baptized 23 people, and they are grateful that the church continues to grow.
Over the last two weeks, we’ve been helping Lucas and Maria reach out to a minister in Colombia, whose name is Andres. Lucas and Maria have never been to Colombia, but somehow they connected through the ministry in their church.

Freedom in Christ in Colombia

Prayer in Camaguey. These people are warriors!
Prayer in Camaguey. Where Pastor Lucas & Maria minister. Their people are warriors!

Andres’ dad, Jose Diego is in the hospital in Colombia. He has blocked arteries and he’s been in critical condition. Jose Diego has practiced white magic and voodoo. Andres shared the gospel with his dad and used some prayers that we shared with Lucas and Maria and his dad prayed to receive Christ. Andres said that his dad looked better and healthier after they prayed together. Then Andres lead his father through some prayers to break off his involvement with the occult. After the time of prayer, Jose Diego told Andres to go to his house and remove and destroy all the idols and altars that he had in his house.
Jose Diego is supposed to be moved to another hospital this Thursday for the operation on his blocked arteries. They are praying and trusting the Lord for complete and total healing. Andres also shared with us that they are praying that through this that salvation will come to their whole family, all the aunts, uncles, brothers and sisters. Pray with us that the Lord will use Andres and the testimony of his father, Jose Diego to bring many to Christ.

Encouraged by Kingdom Connections

Pastor Mario & his wife, Yany. Two of our other very dear friends that live and minister in Cuba.

Also, pray for Lucas* and Maria* who are amazing evangelists that the Lord will guide them as they encourage and minister to Andres and his family. Pray for the other pastors that we are working with like Pastor Mario and his wife, Yany (photo above).
Isn’t it amazing how the Lord works!?! Here Dawn and I are on the San Diego-Tijuana border ministering to and encouraging Lucas and Maria, who live in Cuba and they are ministering to Andres and his family in Colombia. Dawn and I have never met Andres, but somehow the Lord has connected us and extended our reach as the kingdom of God grows. We continue to pray that, “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:10 ESV).
Thank you, Jesus, for your great and might work!
In His Grip, Dave


  • By simplywendi
    Posted June 11, 2019 at 11:52 am

    Is there a way to financially help missions in Cuba?

    • By DiasoLifeOnTheBorder
      Posted June 13, 2019 at 11:59 am

      Yes – you can send a tax deductable donation to Beyond Borders, and we can make sure that the gift gets to the pastors and people in Cuba. You can send me an email at and I can give you all the details on how to give to Beyond Borders. In your email write help for Cuba in the subject line

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