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Breaking the Mold – The Newlyweds

The Newlyweds – Mr. & Mrs. David Anthony Diaso

The Newlyweds – David & Emily by emoorephotography

We celebrated the marriage of our son, David jr. to Emily (Tenison) Diaso this past weekend. It was an amazing experience in many ways. The Lord blessed us with many family members and friends joining us for the grand event. My dad, Ron, who is almost 84 years young flew out to celebrate with us. My mom can’t travel, because of her health, and we missed her, although I know she was praying for us from California.
It’s a miracle that Grandpa Diaso was able to join us for this wedding, and he also came out for Jonathan’s wedding last December. Two and a half years ago my dad was told that he had mesothelioma, which is cancer in the lungs caused by asbestos. The doctor at the time said that he only had six months to a year to live. We began to pray, and the Lord healed my dad, Grandpa Diaso. Thank Jesus, for giving Grandpa strength and healing him!
Thankful to have Grandpa Diaso with us to celebrate David & Emily’s wedding

Dawn’s mom, Alice, who is 81 traveled with Dawn and me for the wedding. The Lord came through in a big way regarding grandma Alice. The night before we were supposed to fly out for the wedding we had to take Alice to the emergency room, because of some health concerns related to her neck and back. We spent the whole night in the hospital and we didn’t get home until almost 3 AM. For a while Dawn and I were wondering whether Dawn’s mom would be able to fly out with us. Unfortunately, we did miss our flight, and we had to reschedule for the next day, but we finally made it to Pennsylvania and Alice is feeling better now.
Yay God!
Grandma Alice is all smiles as she’s escorted by Grant Currey and Jonathan Diaso

The Lord also blessed us with the weather. The forecast was for potential rain the afternoon of the wedding. It actually did rain just about the time we were ready to start the wedding, but it was only a short downpour. Once the storm passed through, the sun came out, as if God were smiling down upon us, and we had blue skies for a beautiful outdoor wedding.
Believe it or not I officiated the wedding, which I did for Jonathan and Hannah’s wedding as well. It was a wonderful privilege that I’ll never forget and it made the ceremony more personal.

A Wonderful Day of Celebration

It was fun to see Emily’s excitement!

One of the highlights for me of this extra special day was seeing how excited Emily was. She was literally bouncing with excitement as I performed the ceremony. She could not hold in her excitement, which was refreshing to see my son marrying someone who loves him so much. David was more composed, but I could tell he was trying to hold back the tears. This was especially true when he saw Emily for the first time walking down the aisle. It was a tender moment, and it made me feel sentimental as well.
I’m believing for and praying for a marriage and a family that will be a vibrant testimony of the love of Christ. This is my hope for both of my sons and their families. Our churches and our communities desperately need families that exhibit Christ’s love. I trust the Lord is going to raise up a generation that is going to be used to transform the world!

The Lord Has Blessed David & Jonathan and Our Family

Hannah sent this picture to me and said, “The faces we made when we realize we get to marry Diaso men ❤️”. We are truly blessed to have Hannah & Emily join our family!!!

I believe that the Lord is using the gift of Hannah and Emily to bring joy and healing to our family. While we realize that no one can ever replace our daughter, Hannah, yet our Papa is kind and he redeems our pain and our loss. That’s what our Father does he loves to bring healing to his children. He is a God of redemption.
I also wonder at times about the thin veil between heaven and earth. Our daughter, Hannah may be more involved than we realized. Those are some of the pleasant mysteries of life.
David walking Dawn down the aisle as we began the wedding ceremony

Thank you Lord for bringing Emily into our son, David’s life and for the great gift that she is to him and to our family. Thank you as well for bringing Hannah into Jonathan’s life. What a huge blessing and gift, each of these young beautiful women are to our boys and to our family. Thank you, Jesus! Hallelujah!!!
In His Grip, Dave


  • By Larry Who
    Posted June 1, 2019 at 7:42 am

    God bless Mr. and Mrs. David Diaso.

    • By DiasoLifeOnTheBorder
      Posted June 1, 2019 at 11:51 am

      Thank you!

  • By sustainabilitea
    Posted June 2, 2019 at 6:09 am

    What a joy-filled time and post!! Thanks so much for sharing this and starting my Son-day off in such glorious fashion. May God richly bless this couple as He has so richly blessed all of you, even to the healing of those who wished to be there.

    • By DiasoLifeOnTheBorder
      Posted June 5, 2019 at 7:43 am

      Thank you for your kind words and for your encouragement. Our son’s wedding and the celebration did bring us much joy. I’m thankful that both of my boys have married such wonderful young women. I pray the Lord blesses you and your family as well!

      • By sustainabilitea
        Posted June 5, 2019 at 7:45 am

        Thanks. I value those prayers.

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