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New Cities, New Frontiers for Kingdom Expansion

Crossing New Frontiers

Dave with the new leadership of the NPCM at the General Assembly meeting

Even though Dawn and I have lived and ministered in Mexico there are still many places that neither one of us has visited. Well, Dawn didn’t join me on this trip, but now I can cross another city, Ciudad Valles off of my bucket list. I’ve come to Cd. Valles for the General Assembly meeting of the National Presbyterian Church of Mexico (NPCM). I’m here with 300 other pastors and leaders.
The mission that Dawn and I serve with Mission to the World (MTW) has partnered with the NPCM for the last 25 years to plant churches in the most unreached parts of Mexico. The Lord has accomplished a lot through our partnership over the years. New churches have been planted in Mexico City, Monterrey, Acapulco, Guadalajara, Monterrey, Durango, and Juarez. We are also starting new works in La Paz, Ensenada, Tijuana, Mexicali and other parts of Northern Mexico.

Partnering to See Life Transformation

Dave addressing the assembly of the NPCM in Cd. Valles

Today I had the opportunity to address the assembly and thank them for our partnership and speak of some of the projects that we’ve worked on and others that we are beginning. It was a blessing and a privilege for me to be able to share with the group.
It’s fun for me to be here, because I’m reconnecting with so many old friends from when Dawn and I served in Mexico City from 1990 – 2000. These relationships also open doors for potential future ministry. There’s such a huge need for more churches to be planted, and for more people to be reached for the kingdom. Our prayer, our cry is that communities will be transformed by the gospel as individuals and families have an encounter with Jesus. It’s a work that only Jesus can do.

Join Us in Prayer

Dave with a good friend, Fernando Sanchez

One of the things I’m reminded of when I’m here is the need for more workers. There’s more work than I, or even our whole MTW Mexico mission force can handle. We need continued and ongoing wisdom so we can best discern where to put our energy. Join us in praying for these needs, so that we will see greater kingdom expansion.
Tomorrow (Thursday) I have to take a bus for 3 1/2 hours to Tampico, and then I have two plane fights to get back home. I appreciate your prayers that my trip goes well. Then when I get home Dawn and I need to start getting ready for the group from Skyview Presbyterian Church in Colorado who will be coming to help lead VBS in Ensenada. It’s a fun week, but very busy. We need an extra boost of energy!
In His Grip, Dave


  • By sustainabilitea
    Posted July 19, 2018 at 7:42 am

    Prayers for all you mentioned. 🙂

    • By DiasoLifeOnTheBorder
      Posted July 19, 2018 at 1:28 pm

      Thank you for your encouragement. I’m flying back from my time in Valles now. It’s a long trip, and I have a layover in Mexico City

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