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My Journey to the Middle of the World

Wow! The middle of the world
Wow! The middle of the world

Last week I felt like a Hobbit or at least I thought of them as I visited the middle of the world in Quito, Ecuador. When I visit a new place I like to spend at least a little time getting to know the city and surrounding area. It was my first time in Quito so I took advantage of my time there and went to see the city, and I also visited the middle of the world. Where it is 0.0 – 0 latitude. It is a fascinating place to be for sure. And like I mentioned it made me feel like a tall Hobbit.

Amazed by the Unity in Christ

Red de Multiplicación meeting in Quito
Red de Multiplicación meeting in Quito

I was in Quito for an annual meeting of the Latin American leadership for Red de Multiplicación (Multiplication Network). This was the first time that I joined this group. I was truly amazed by the spirit of cooperation and community that the group shared.
One of the reasons that I was amazed is because these men and women represented a wide array of denominational groups who shared one goal to see more churches planted throughout Latin America. I don’t always see unity among even people from the same tribe let alone when they are from very different persuasions. I think that is one of the beauties of Red de Multiplicación. They excel in bringing people together for the proclamation and proliferation of the gospel. The goal is to plant more churches and stronger churches.
The unity that I see among these friends reminds me of Psalm 133:1.

“Behold, how good and pleasant it is when the brothers dwell in unity!”

Jesus prayed in John 17 that there would be unity among his followers, and too often this isn’t the case. The sense of working together for the gospel demonstrates the love of Christ.

Breakthrough as the Church Multiplies

A great group. Friends from Colombia, Uruguay, Venezuela, Ecuador, Honduras, Costa Rica and Mexico who serve with Red de Multiplicación
A great group. Friends from Colombia, Uruguay, Venezuela, Ecuador, Honduras, Costa Rica and Mexico who serve with Red de Multiplicación

Dawn and I first learned about the Multiplication Network two years ago which was just after Hannah moved to heaven. Of course, that was a time when we were especially hurting and mourning, but we were also praying for more. Dawn and I felt as we prayed that the Lord wanted to see our reach expand.
The Lord impressed Isaiah 54 upon us at the beginning of 2017 which speaks of enlarging your tent, and breakthrough.

“Enlarge the place of your tent, and let the curtains of your habitations be stretched out; do not hold back; lengthen your cords and strengthen your stakes. For you will spread abroad to the rights and to the left, and your offspring will possess the nations and will people the desolate cities.” Isaiah 54:2-3 ESV

We believe that the Red de Multiplicación is an answer to our heart’s cry. An answer to our prayers. The Lord has already used them to help plant thousands of churches throughout Latin America and as one of our friends, Ben Meyer said, they hope that this is just the tip of the iceberg.
I’ve been encouraged and amazed as I’ve heard the testimonies of ministries that hadn’t planted any churches, and all of the sudden after partnering with the Red de Multiplicación they’be begun to multiply and to see a number of churches planted. We do pray for more!

Join us in Prayer for More!

Pray with us as we partner with the Multiplication Network to see more churches planted so that lives will be transformed by the gospel as they encounter Jesus! We do pray that the church growth we’ve seen so far is just the tip of the iceberg and that the Lord will ignite the fires of the gospel throughout Latin America and beyond! Hallelujah!
In His Grip, Dave


  • Trackback: O Lord, Expand Our Borders! | Our Life On The Border
      Posted January 31, 2019 at 10:44 am

      So do you plan to leave MTW and move to this new organization?

      • By DiasoLifeOnTheBorder
        Posted February 4, 2019 at 3:35 pm

        It’s a partner ministry, so I’m not planning on leaving MTW. We are working with a number of churches in Mexico. Encouraged by all that the Lord is doing.

  • By Equipping
    Posted February 28, 2019 at 5:25 pm

    Thanks for your like of my post,” 7 Consider The Journey – Another Millennium Perspective;’ your kindness is greatly appreciated.

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