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Multiplication & Exciting Family News!

Celebrating Multiplication in Uruguay

Red de Multiplicación conference in Montevideo, Uruguay
Red de Multiplicación conference in Montevideo, Uruguay

Dawn and I were so encouraged when we were in Montevideo, Uruguay at the Red de Multiplicación conference. One of the highlights of the conference was to learn about the results of the combined efforts of all the churches involved in the “Red de Multiplicación,” which means Multiplication Network. The gospel was shared with 1 million people and 384,244 people came to Christ. Wow! The angels are rejoicing over the Lord’s bountiful harvest. There are also 16,619 church planters involved with Red de Multiplicación throughout Latin America.
These churches represent transformation in the various communities in most of the countries in Latin America. God is on the move!
I love seeing how the Lord works as His church comes together for kingdom expansion.
After our time in Montevideo Dawn and I flew to Bogotá, Colombia. We are visiting some of our missionary colleagues who are ministering here. It’s been a wonderful time!

Exciting Family News!

Jonathan & Hannah
Jonathan & Hannah

On another note, we have some very exciting family news!
On Saturday night our son, Jonathan asked Hannah Blanco to be his wife, and she said yes. After the tremendously difficult time we’ve been through over the last year and a half since our daughter, Hannah moved to heaven, it’s so good to have something to celebrate.
We love Hannah, our soon to be daughter-in-law! She’s an awesome young woman who loves Jesus, and she is a great match for Jonathan. We are thrilled for them!
We posted the news on Facebook on Monday and a number of friends congratulated us and many told us how they have been praying for us, and for a wife for our son! All the love and support does make us feel very encouraged. Thank you, friends!
Here is a video taken from when Jonathan proposed to Hannah at the Garden of the God’s in Colorado Springs.

We rejoice in God’s faithfulness and His goodness!
In His Loving Grip, Dave

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