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Missions Outpouring at Biola

Dawn and Dave at our booth at the Biola global missions conference
Dawn and Dave at our booth at the Biola global missions conference

Last week was a very productive week of mobilizing for our work on the San Diego – Tijuana border. We started the week in Atlanta at Mission to the World’s vision retreat. We met a number of people there who are asking the question, where might God want me to serve? Then we headed up to Lookout Mountain, Georgia where we met with students and faculty at Covenant College. We ended the week at Biola’s global missions conference.

Biola and Global Missions

Biola University held their missions conference this last week. They called the conference Outpouring. Since Dawn and I were out-of-town earlier in the week we were only able to attend on Friday.
Unfortunately, on our way up to Biola, which is in Southern Los Angeles we encountered a huge traffic jam leaving San Diego. Even though we left at 6:00 AM there was an early morning traffic accident that closed down the 805 freeway.
I must say that I did get a little impatient. Believe it or not I have not yet mastered patiently waiting in traffic when I feel that we need to be somewhere! 😉 I’m hoping it’s not something I get too much experience in.
Despite the slow down we did make it to the conference, just a little later than we hoped we would.

Dawn with a new friend at the missions conference, Biola University
Dawn with a new friend at Biola’s missions conference

Dawn and I had a good day at Biola. Even though we were only participated on the last day of the conference, it was a fruitful time. We connected with some students that are exploring opportunities to go on mission with God. The students are especially interested in summer internships.
We love the opportunity to invest in the lives of young people. Who knows what the Lord will do when we plant and water for his kingdom?
Biola put on a big conference which attracted a number of students and other missions organizations. It was enjoyable to connect with new and old friends from the other missions organizations. They have some great ideas, so we can learn from them.

Praise to God for a Fruitful Week

In all, it was a very fruitful week. Dawn and I love connecting with people, especially those that have a heart for the world. There are already some students that have talked to us about a summer internship. We are also following up with a few young families that are interested in pursuing a longer term of service on the mission field.

Pray for Workers

God is moving on the border, and he is opening doors for us to walk through. Thank you Jesus, continue to guide and lead. Bring us those workers that you want to serve with us!
In His Grip, Dave


  • By Larry Who
    Posted March 17, 2013 at 11:13 am

    “…I’m hoping it’s not something I get too much experience in…”
    I’ve tried every kind of prayer from every possible angle for traffic here in Southern California. None have worked. So, if you can come up with one that will work, let us know or better yet write a book, sort of a Prayer of Jabez. Maybe your book will sell twenty million copies, too.

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted March 20, 2013 at 11:09 am

      I’m not sure I’ll be able to figure that one out, but I like the idea! 😉

  • By Debbie
    Posted March 18, 2013 at 1:52 am

    You have really been on the move, as has God! Thank you for the updates and God bless you ans send you all that you need.

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted March 20, 2013 at 11:08 am

      It’s been a busy time. We are trying to catch up this week.

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