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Mario Silva’s Visit

Mario sharing in Lighthouse

Dawn and I are excited to have Mario Silva here with us in Colorado Springs. Mario and his wife, Silvia are some of our best friends from Mexico City. They were involved in one of the church plants we worked in. God has done some amazing things in their lives since then. It’s exciting to reconnect and learn what God is doing in and through them. Mario is a businessman. He is also a bi-vocational church planter. He and Silvia have started a church in the Southern part of Mexico City. The church is called Vida Abundante, which means Abundant Life.
Yesterday, Mario attended Village Seven Presbyterian Church with us, and he had an opportunity to share about his ministry in our Sunday School community – Lighthouse. It was encouraging to see how our friends in Lighthouse responded as Mario shared about the challenges of ministering in a city of 27 million. They are reaching people for Christ, and those in the group are growing in their faith.
One of  Mario and Silvia’s greatest desires is to be able to serve full-time in ministry. It’s tough for them now. Mario gets home from work around 8 or 9 in the evening during the week, so the majority of their ministry ends up being on Sundays. Dawn and I have been in dialogue with Mario and Silvia about moving to the Border to partner with us in ministry. We believe that the Lord could really use their gifts to reach out to Hispanics on the Border. They are very interested in this possibility. Pray with us that the Lord will make clear to them and to us if he wants them to join us on the Border. We believe we could make a great team!
In His Grip, Dave


  • By Marge Albrecht
    Posted February 20, 2011 at 6:35 am

    So glad to hear that your visit with your friends from Mexico went to well. What a blessing! I have been praying that they will join you in your mission to reach people for Christ at the border.
    Love in Christ, Marge

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted February 22, 2011 at 5:12 pm

      Yes – we had a great time. It was so encouraging for all of us. It’s hard to believe it’s been so long since I last saw Mario.

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