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Latino Population Grows on the Border

U.S. - Mexico Border
U.S. - Mexico Border

One of my co-workers sent me this article about the growth of the Latino population along the 4 border States. Joseph P. A. Villescas, PH.D. writes:

For the first time since the 1850s, the borderlands have again become a predominantly Latino region of the United States. Over half of border county residents are of Latino ancestry.
At the close of the U.S.-Mexico War, the southwest region of the newly configured continental U.S. contained the majority of the country’s Latinos, and over 80% of this population resided in New Mexico. Although several border cities would eventually establish Latino majority populations in the late 20th century, the borderlands as a whole are now 54.3% Latino and contain 8% of the total Latino population.
Over half of the U.S. Latino population resides in the four states that border Mexico: California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas.

The article is written in News Taco. I’m serious! Read the rest of the article here…
The assertions made in this article bring home once again the strategic nature of where we are situated to serve the many Hispanics who are living on the U.S. Mexico border. San Diego ranks first in Latino population of the cities that are on the border with almost one million Latinos living in the San Diego metro.

SANTACO - currently only flying in Mexico, but they are hoping to expand their service to San Diego and Los Angeles later this year
SANTACO - only flying in Mexico, they are hoping to expand their services to San Diego and Los Angeles later this year

I’m including a picture of the new cut-rate airlines that flies in Mexico, called SanTaco. Unfortunately, they are currently only flying in Mexico, but the good news is they would like to expand their services soon. I’m taking a little risk here, I hope I don’t offend anyone! This is probably funnier to those who’ve spent some time in Mexico. 🙂
In His Grip, Dave


  • By Rick Alvey
    Posted April 22, 2012 at 6:15 am

    We have a son and his famly stationed at Camp Pendleton and when my wife visited there a month ago she was surprised by all the checkpoints there by San Diego. Praying for you all every time I pray for my son and his family. Blessings!

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted April 22, 2012 at 8:43 am

      Yes – it’s an interesting place with so many people from two countries living right next to each other. I’m encouraged to hear you are praying for us! Thanks and blessings to you and your family.

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