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It’s Not Easy to Say Goodbye

The Despedida for Larry and Sandy Trotter

Larry & Sandy Trotter
Larry & Sandy Trotter

This week two of our good friends and colleagues, Larry and Sandy Trotter will be moving back to the United States after serving in Mexico for almost 30 years. The Trotters’ arrived in Mexico City in 1990 the year before Dawn and I landed there.
They served in Mexico City for four years, and planted one church there before they moved to Guadalajara. They’ve ministered in Guadalajara, since around 1994. While in Guadalajara they’ve planted I think five churches, and started numerous mercy ministries.
God has used them in a powerful way in Mexico. They will be missed!
Over the last five years Larry has served as the country director for Mission to the World in Mexico.

It’s Hard to Say Good-bye

Dr. Larry Trotter teaching on Christ-centered preaching
Dr. Larry Trotter teaching on Christ-centered preaching

It’s sad to say good-bye to such special people. Yet if you have to go, I think they are doing it right. They are leaving behind a wonderful legacy of hundreds who have come to Christ and many more have been touched by them as they tangibly demonstrated the love of Christ.
Both Larry and Sandy are very intelligent, they have many gifts and they love the Lord! Larry is a strong and wise leader. He is an excellent teacher and preacher. Sandy is caring and gentle. She is a wonderful counselor.
They make a great team as a couple. The Lord has also blessed them with two beautiful daughters.
Over the last few years I served on Mexico’s leadership council with Larry and I appreciated his leadership. The Lord used him to help me grow as I ministered alongside him.
Dave and Larry Trotter with Pastors Cesar Santizo, Felipe Hernandez, Benjamin Romero & Victor Hugo Herrera
Dave and Larry Trotter with Pastors Cesar Santizo, Felipe Hernandez, Benjamin Romero & Victor Hugo Herrera – leaders of the Presbytery called Fronterizo Noroccidental (Northwestern border)

Last Fall the Trotters’ were able to come out together and visit us. We had a wonderful time, and we were able to show them around some. Sandy said it was the first time she had been to the West Coast. We didn’t know then it would be the last time they would visit us while they were still with MTW.
One of the great things about being a missionary is you meet and serve with many outstanding people. I give thanks for Larry and Sandy and their family. They are finishing their ministry in this country well.
They plan on moving to Florida where they have family. Upon arriving they will plant a church there. They still haven’t lost the fire!
Larry and Sandy will leave a hole that won’t easily be filled, but we know that God is faithful and he will grow his church. The church is stronger in Mexico, especially in Guadalajara, because of their ministry of love to the people there.
Lord, I pray that you guide and lead the Trotters as they leave Mexico and make this huge transition in their lives. Richly bless them as they continue to faithfully serve you.
In His Grip, Dave


  • By sustainabilitea
    Posted July 6, 2016 at 12:41 pm

    Blessing to them in their new home and on all those they leave behind to grow and continue their work. Well done, good and faithful servants!

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted July 6, 2016 at 11:27 pm

      Thanks for your encouragement!

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