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How Does Ministry Happen?

God’s Wonderful Servants

The humble ministry center that Myrta and Soltero minister out of, which has also been their home. Their home and the ministry center were damaged in the hurricane.
The ministry center that Myrta and Sotero minister out of, which has also been their home. Their home and the ministry center were damaged in the hurricane.

One of the many things that I enjoy about this work on the border and the Baja is the wonderful people we meet.
Peter Boling who ministers in Cabo San Lucas has introduced me to some of the people who serve in Los Cabos. Most people know Los Cabos as a vacation spot, a place for cruises to stop, the arch and great fishing. Yet there is another story, another side of Los Cabos. There are many people who live in poverty and have huge needs.

Ministering to the Needy

Soltero and Myrta with their daughter
Sotero and Myrta with their daughter

One of the families that I have enjoyed meeting is Sotero and Myrta. They live in a poor community on the edge of town. God is using them to make a difference there.
They are reaching out through feeding children and families for a very low price. Sotero and Myrta love to tell the story of Jesus. They hold Bible studies and they show the love of Christ through acts of compassion.
Hurricane Odile has left many without work. Others have lost their homes. Sotero and Myrta’s home was destroyed in the hurricane. But they haven’t given up the ministry continues.
God uses willing and able servants like Sotero and Myrta to make things happen. Don’t you agree that I am privileged to meet people like them? I hope one day you can meet them too!
Thank you Lord for such choice servants.
In His Grip, Dave


  • By theshepherdspresence
    Posted November 16, 2014 at 10:31 am

    Availability is the most important part of ability.

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted November 18, 2014 at 8:28 pm

      It definitely starts there! thanks for your comment

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