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Hope in Action: Stories from Evangelism Training in Tijuana

Evangelism Training in Tijuana: Equipping Believers to Share Their Faith
The group from Jesus Vive (Jesus Lives) Church that went through the training. Pastor Daniel Navarro is in the back row, next to Dawn.

Over the last four weeks, Dawn and I worked alongside Steve Dueck to lead an evangelism training at Jesus Vive (Jesus Lives) Church in Tijuana. Our friend Steve is on staff at CRU. Pastor Daniel Navarro was eager to have his congregation trained, and it was a joy to see how motivated the people were to grow in their faith and evangelism skills.

Testimonies of Faith and Courage
Antonio and Rosa Navarro

Each week, participants shared how God had given them opportunities to witness to others. One woman, Rosa, a nurse during the COVID-19 pandemic, shared how she ministered to patients in their most vulnerable moments. Through tears, she recalled how many—including pregnant mothers—passed away while she cared for them. Yet, in the midst of tragedy, she shared the hope of Christ, and over 70 people gave their lives to Jesus through her witness.

Francisco and Josefina

Another participant, Josefina, told us she noticed a woman crying on the bus. After offering to help, Josefina learned that the woman had recently lost several family members, including her mother, brother, and even one of her children. Josefina shared the hope we have in Christ, comforting her in her grief.

Walking Alongside Others in Their Spiritual Journey
Pastor Uriel and Arely practice sharing their faith.

One key principle we taught was that everyone is on a spiritual journey, and our job is to walk alongside them, pointing them to Christ. Each week, we encouraged the participants to seek out opportunities to share their faith and bring back their testimonies to inspire others. This group was exceptionally eager to learn and apply what they were taught.

Grateful for Partners in Ministry
Dawn with Alma and Pastor Uriel and his wife, Arely

The training wasn’t limited to Jesus Vive Church—it also included pastors and leaders from another church we work with. We are grateful for Pastor Daniel Navarro and his wife, Vira, for their hospitality and for encouraging their congregation to grow in evangelism. Steve, Dawn, and I enjoyed building relationships with the group, and we concluded the final session with a joyful celebration featuring tamales, barbacoa, and other Mexican food.

A Lifelong Connection with CRU
Steve Dueck leading the training session.

Partnering with Steve Dueck from CRU was especially meaningful for Dawn and me. CRU (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ) has been a significant part of our personal and spiritual journeys. Dawn worked at CRU’s headquarters when it was in San Bernardino, and I attended the International School of Theology, CRU’s seminary. In fact, that’s where Dawn and I first met in our early 20s! CRU continues to be a blessing to us as a ministry—and remains a special part of our love story.

Extend Your Hands to Help!

Dawn and I are deeply grateful for your willingness to partner with us and extend your hands to help. This ministry—and the planting of these churches—would not be possible without you. Your support means the world to us, and we truly believe that each contribution brings us one step closer to transforming lives for the Kingdom of God.

Whether it’s building classrooms, training believers to share their faith, or supporting pastors in difficult circumstances, your generosity makes an eternal impact. Together, we can create spaces where people meet Jesus, children learn about His love, and communities are strengthened in faith.

Thank you for standing with us in this mission. Let’s continue making a difference—one step, one gift, and one prayer at a time.

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Video: Celebrating Church #50

In His Grip, Dave

P.S. Help take the gospel to the Border, the Baja and Beyond

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