Goodbye 2020!

We’ve crossed into 2021, and I’m sure that for many, maybe most of us it was with a sigh of relief. 2020 was painful to live through. It gives me hope when I think of God’s goodness and his undying love for us. I think ever since my daughter, Hannah, died one of my favorite verses is Genesis 50:20. “You meant evil against me, but God meant it for good…” The Lord uses even the worst of circumstances for good. He isn’t the author of evil, but he can and does work in and through the darkest of times.
There are things to be thankful for as we look back on 2020. Yet, I don’t want to ignore all the hardship that we’ve suffered. On top of what everyone has been through I also lost both of my parents in 2020. My son, David has nonpermanent brain damage. We aren’t sure what the cause was, it could have been Covid, but it was never diagnosed as such, so we don’t really know.
What I’m thankful for in 2020
Despite all of these challenges there is still plenty to be thankful for.

I give thanks that both my dad and my mom lived long lives. They were both 84 when they died. My mom had a strong and sure faith. She was not only ready to go, she was anxious to meet her savior. I wrote a tribute to my mom that you can find here…
My dad made a profession of faith with my brother, John just three days before he died. The timing reminded me of Christ death and resurrection on the third day. The Lord in his love and grace showered me with hope after my dad passed away. I wrote more about this in the tribute I posted for my dad.
My mom left a legacy of prayer and love. My dad’s legacy was always being there for our family. He showed up. Both of my parents were quiet. I suppose they blended in, because they didn’t like to draw attention to themselves, but we knew they were there at the important life events. They set a great example for me in that. I hope to pass that on to my children, and grandchildren.
It is sad for me to no longer be able to call or visit my mom and dad. It was hard to go through the holidays without them. Yet, I’m grateful for the life they led, and for the relationship we shared.
A few months ago I feel like the Lord gifted me with a dream. It was a special dream. I saw a parade and a celebration. The odd thing was that the parade was at the cemetery. I felt like the Lord was showing me what it was like for my parents when they left this life and moved on into eternity with their savior. Just think one breath they were here, and the next they were in heaven. They saw Jesus, the angels and their loved ones who went before them. That is something to celebrate!
Celebrating New Life

Another wonderful family event was when Dawn and I learned that we were going to be grandparents. When David and Emily told us that Emily is pregnant with their first child, and our first grandchild! Her name is Serafina Grace Diaso.
David and Emily told us this good news just a few weeks before the four year anniversary of Hannah moving to heaven, which is always a hard time of the year for us. We felt like it was such a gift from the Lord in a season of much loss, that he is bringing new life into our family.
We love Serafina’s name. It was also my great grandmother’s name on my dad’s side. Serafina is an Italian and Spanish name for the Seraphim angels. The Bible mentions them in Isaiah 6. Also, Serafina’s middle name is Grace, which reminds us of God’s unmerited gift for those who believe. Hannah means favor and grace. We love the thoughtful name that David and Emily chose for their daughter.
These are some of the highlights for our family for 2020. I was going to include our ministry highlights here as well, but I think I will save them for my next post, which will be either later this week or next week.
The Ron & Virginia Diaso Memorial Church

Let me close by mentioning as we look forward to 2021, one of the things we are excited about is helping to start a new church in Tijuana/Rosarito, Mexico. This church will be built in memory of my parents, Ron and Virginia Diaso. Our goal is build the church this summer. You can give towards this project, and help us to make this dream a reality. Click on the link below to make a donation today!

In His Grip, Dave
By sustainabilitea
I agree that there were many things for which to be thankful in 2020. Perhaps realizing how much we have to be thankful for in even these circumstances is one as is learning to appreciate the small things. Of course God’s unchanging love, care, and taking care of our salvation top the list for every year. 🙂
By DiasoLifeOnTheBorder
It was a hard year, but the Lord is still on the throne and he will take care of us
By sustainabilitea
Amen and thank goodness!
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