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God’s Moving on the Border

Edgardo Avila - leading the Spanish speaking church

Wow! It’s been so encouraging to see what God is doing, and bringing together as we look at partnering with churches in the San Diego area to reach Hispanics. We’ve been able to connect with some great people and ministries. I’ll highlight one of the ministries – a key one!
There is a network of churches in the San Diego area called the Harbor Network. They have a vision to see a church planting movement started on the San Diego – Tijuana border. One of the the churches, Harbor Mid-City is already reaching Hispanics. They have a bilingual service, and they are reaching into the city. Dawn and I spent the first few days of our trip with Stephen and Bradford Phelan, and their three beautiful children. Stephen is the pastor of Harbor Mid-City. He is pastoring the church with Edgardo Avila. Edgardo is leading the Spanish speaking church. It was so heartening to see those from the Spanish and English congregation worshipping together. The Lord be magnified! “How good and pleasant it is when the brothers dwell in unity.” (Ps. 133:1)
Stephen Phelan - leading communion

At the end of the service they served communion, and offered prayer for anybody that felt the need to be prayed for. Bradford, who was enjoying the worship, felt the Lord prompting her to go to the back to help the prayer team. Right when she got to the back of the room a Mexican woman named Becky was getting ready to walk out the door. Becky was sobbing. She felt bitter towards God, because her grandfather had been deported. Bradford and one of the other women prayed with Becky. Then Becky cried out through her tears, “I need to be saved!” Bradford shared the gospel with her, and had the privilege of working with one of the other women on the prayer team to lead Becky to Christ. It’s wonderful to see the Kingdom of God expand as the gospel is proclaimed.
Dawn & Bradford

God is moving here. God is bringing things together in His good, and perfect timing for our arrival. We are so looking forward to joining what the Lord is already doing on the San Diego – Tijuana Border!
In His Grip, Dave