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God’s Healing Touch In & Through Hannah

God’s Fountain of healing love!

Rocio, Hannah, Ivan and Aaron
Rocio, Hannah, Ivan and Aaron

This last week Hannah and I visited our Pastor Ivan and Rocio at their church in Ribera de Bosque. It is always a real joy to spend some time with these special friends, and to see what God is doing in their midst.
They are in the middle of building an upstairs room on their church, so that someone can stay their and take care of the property. Unfortunately, thieves have broken into the church stolen sound equipment among other items.
It’s sad when people will stoop to stealing from a church, but it does happen more than we’d like.

Aaron’s Story

Hannah & Dave
Hannah & Dave

Aaron one of the members on Ivan’s church was helping put shingles on the roof of the upstairs room.  Dawn and I had met Aaron before. Part of Aaron’s story is that he was involved in a terrible automobile accident when he was younger, and he seriously injured his foot.
He recently had skin graft surgery to take care of lesions on his foot. We have been praying for Aaron and God’s healing touch for about a year now.
When we saw Aaron last week, I asked him if it was okay for Hannah and me to pray for him. He said yes, so he came down from the roof.
I began and started praying for him, and then Hannah took over. The Lord has gifted Hannah in incredible ways. She has a tender heart of mercy and loves to pray for people.
As Hannah prayed and ministered to Aaron he began to cry. The Lord ministered to his spirit in a deep way. He shared some of his personal trials as we prayed.
Aaron mentioned that he was in pain, so we prayed for Aaron’s pain and that the Lord would heal his foot.  After Hannah prayed for a while Aaron said that the pain had diminished! He was feeling better.
Hallelujah! We pray for further and deeper healing in his life.
Christ in his mercy is doing a wonderful work in Hannah’s life. It’s so encouraging to see! Thank you Jesus! The Lord not only is transforming Hannah’s life, but he’s using her to bring healing to others.

Join Us In Prayer!

Join us in prayer for God’s continued healing work in Aaron’s life. Pray for the Lord’s protection over Hannah as she grows in faith and the Lord uses her to minister to those who are hurting.
In His Grip, Dave


  • By Donna Baird
    Posted March 14, 2016 at 8:41 am

    Hello Dave, Dawn, Hannah & David ~ thank you for the news…it is exciting to see how God works! This last week was a mission emphasis at V7. On Sun. night the 6th we had a night of worship and prayer. There were interactive stations set up in the alcoves off the sanctuary with videos about the homeless, refugees, muslims, etc. We moved from station to station praying for those people groups. Then this past Saturday we had a city serve day. People went to Mercy’s Gate, Crossfire Ministries & Life Network. Half of each group did a prayer walk in the neighborhood of the 3 ministries, and half of the group stayed to serve inside the ministry…then we switched halfway through the morning. It was an blessed time.
    Audra is excited that she has been hired at Restoration Hardware (an upscale furniture/accessories store) in Castle Rock. She asked if they could assign her 2 eight hour shifts a week, due to the drive. She is still at Starbuck’s, so will divide her time between the two. She was getting very few hours at Anthropologie, as they overhired. She has a couple of girlfriends who attend New Life Downtown… I’m praying that they will be an encouragement to her.
    Unless God opens a door for a job for Tim Adelmann in Colorado, he and Chelsea will most likely be living in Michigan for awhile. Please pray that God would prepare Chelsea for this….for the gray winters, a job for her there, and Christian friends. Also, the anniversary of Tim’s sister, Ellie’s passing will be on mother’s day this year…..very rough for the Adelmann family.
    Tom is in Wash. D.C. for work this week.
    Prayer requests for me… and good time management as I care for Inge & my Dad, lead Bible study, work, prepare for the kickoff for the Walk for Life for the pregnancy center….pray for V7’s continued positive involvement in the walk. We are striving to get an ambassador in each community to promote the walk, which will be Sat. June 4th.
    God bless all of you! ~ Donna

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted March 14, 2016 at 9:01 am

      Thanks for the update and for your encouragement. Sounds like your family is going through a busy season with a lot of change!
      We send our love!

  • By sustainabilitea
    Posted March 14, 2016 at 1:52 pm

    Great news! Before we arrived at our current church, sound equipment was stolen several times. Now it gets locked in a closet after each service!

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