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God’s Continued Leading – Mario & Silvia (video interview part 3)

Some of you have asked, what was the result of our 40 days of prayer with Mario and Silvia Silva? The 40 days of prayer ended on April 9th. Mario and Silvia told me that it was a good time of prayer for them, and they believe the Lord is leading them to continue moving forward. There are still a lot of unknowns, and they need prayer for that as well. We’d like to ask you to persevere in prayer with us. They are coming before the Lord to ask Him for answers related to timing. When should they join us? Other questions that we are all seeking the Lord for on their behalf are: how will they get workers visas? Where will their funding come from? What will their work look like? Our hope is that the answers to these questions, and many others will become more apparent as we continue to look to the Lord, and get closer to the time when they will actually make the move.
I’m including here the third interview that I did with Mario when he was with us. If you’d like to view Part 1 and Part 2, just click on the highlighted links.
In His Grip – Dave
P.S. I have some exciting news about another family that has decided to join our team. I will write about that soon – stay tuned!