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Ray Call has done a great job with our ESL!
Ray Call has done a great job with our ESL!

We launched our ESL (English as a Second Language) class on April 13th. The first day of class there was a huge rainstorm, so that ended up not being the best day to start. We have a small, but good group.
There are some very encouraging things that give us hope that this outreach will be a success. Ray Call has done a wonderful job of coordinating our ESL. He arranged for all our teachers to be trained ahead of time. We have a great group of committed teachers. The Lord has really blessed as the foundation for this outreach is established. As we see God working it inspires us. I’m thrilled with the work Ray has done, and the team he has recruited minister to the community in this way!
Hannah and Ray practicing teaching with other participants
Hannah and Ray practicing teaching with other participants during ESL training

One area that I’d like to ask you to continue to pray with us about is that the Lord would bring more students. Often when a new ministry is launched it can take time for word to get out. I think that we will see our attendance grow as more people in the community hear about the opportunity to learn English.
I’ve prayed that the Lord will use this time to help the teachers become more comfortable and confident with the material that they are teaching. Also that the Lord will help us to build a solid foundation for the ministry to grow.
We are planning to continue the ESL classes until the end of May. Then take a break over the summer and start up again in the fall.
Thanks for standing with us through prayer, and your loving support.
In His Grip, Dave


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