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God Lifts Us Up Through Faithful Friends!

Faithful Friends

Hannah with her brothers, David Jr. & Jon
Hannah with her brothers, David Jr. & Jon

One of the things that gives me buoyancy as our family endures this trial is all of the faithful friends that God has given us. We are truly blessed by so many people who love us and have showered us with words of affirmation as well as prayer.
Pastor Daniel Nuñez is one of those friends. Pastor Nuñez leads the ministry of Lo Mejor del Trigo (LMT) in Tijuana. We are getting ready to help Daniel and LMT plant their 24th church.

A Common Vision

Pastor Daniel Nuñez sharing how God is renewing Tijuana
Pastor Daniel Nuñez sharing how God is renewing Tijuana

The vision to see a transformed city through a church planting movement is what brought Daniel and me together. Through our partnership we have become great friends. Our families have grown to love one another over the past four plus years.
Pastor Daniel and his family along with most of the pastors and churches with Lo Mejor del Trigo have been praying for us and for our daughter, Hannah. They send us notes via Facebook and texts letting us know they are concerned about us and they are praying for us.
One of the pastors, Abraham Velazquez devoted an evening of prayer at their church in Rojo Gomez for Hannah and our family. Many of the other pastors have told us that their church is praying for us. We feel very loved!
Recently, Pastor Nuñez came to our main partner church, Bridge to share all that God is doing in Tijuana and to get everyone excited about participating in the construction of the new church plant in March. The people at Bridge applauded Daniel’s testimony after he shared how God is working in Tijuana.
Then he had the opportunity to preach on how God works through the church to bring about growth. There are many examples of this in Acts. We pray the church will expand in marvelous ways on both sides of the border. Dawn and I give thanks for such wonderful friends, such wonderful partners in ministry.

Your Prayers Lift Us Up!

A dove nesting on the ledge of the entrance to our house
A dove nesting on the ledge of the entrance to our house

Thank you for all your prayers and uplifting words for our family. They do help! I can’t say we don’t get down, but the loving support keeps us going. It lifts us up! We see Hannah getting better even if it’s slower than we’d like.
This weekend we noticed a dove nesting at the entrance to our home. We’ve been praying that our home will be a haven of peace. The dove is a sign of peace and of the Holy Spirit. The Lord has used it as a still small voice reminding us that he hears our prayers and that he doesn’t abandon us. Thank you so much dear Lord!
In His Grip, Dave


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