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Giving Thanks in Difficult Times

We Give Thanks for You!
Dawn and Dave thankful for each of you

Dawn and I give thanks for you! We are grateful for all your prayers and encouragement. We hope and pray that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends. We will be with our family in Michigan and are excited to meet our new granddaughter.

When I think about Thanksgiving, and this time of year I stop and give thanks for God’s many blessings. I can’t help but also think about our familia in Mexico, on the Big Island, and in the Dominican Republic. I’m thankful for each of the pastors and leaders that we have the privilege of working with. I’m grateful that we can help those in need.

Noemí’s Testimony
Noemí with her mom

One of our dear friends, Yoliztli* who helps us to distribute the aid that we are sending to our familia on the Big Island sent me this testimony. I’ve translated what Yoliztli wrote so that you can read her story as well. This testimony is about Noemí* and her family.

“Noemí lives with her husband and her mother. Only her husband can work. He works with the State and receives a very low salary. Noemí cannot work because she is taking care of her mother full-time who is bedridden. She started to cry when she received the help that you sent and she told me what they were going through. Her mother got sick and they had no money at home, only what she had received from me that day.

She thanked God that she was able to buy the medicine her mother needed and buy her something to drink. The medicines are very scarce here. You can only find them from people who travel to other countries and bring them back and they sell them at very expensive prices. That’s where she was able to find the medicine. Pastor David, it gives me joy, joy to be able to reach these homes and bring them the provision that comes from God himself through you. Thank you for the heart you and Leti (Dawn) have. Thank you for making people happy and increasing their FAITH to see that God loves them, to see that God is not oblivious to their situations, or to the needs they are going through.” states that “According to the VI Report on the State of Social Rights in Cuba, considering total household income, 88% of Cubans live in extreme poverty and 62% of those consulted said they have problems buying the most essential things to survive.  Due to lack of money or scarcity, 78% said that they had skipped a daily meal, only 5% had obtained medicines from official pharmacies and 15% took expired medicines.”
A wonderful family on the Big Island that we are helping
It’s hard to read statistics like this, and how this reality affects such wonderful people like Noemí and her family. We give thanks that we can help them. Your gift becomes like the hands and feet of Jesus carrying aid to those in need. Jesus says, “Whoever gives one of these little ones even a cup of cold water because he is a disciple, truly, I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward” (Matthew 10:42). Dawn and I pray often that the Lord will multiply what we send.
Extend Your Hands to Help Those in Need
Pastor Ernesto and his wife, Denise (bottom left) have been able to help feed the people in their church because of your generous gifts

Dawn and I ask you to prayerfully consider extending your hands to help! Send a gift today to help a needy familyand extend the gospel on the Big Island. TOGETHER we can make a difference!

Support one family for as little as $25 a month! Click below to make a donation today.

Click to Donate…

Video: Life and Times on the Big Island

This short video will give you a glimpse into how God is at work on the Big Island. Some of the people who are receiving the aid that we are sending share their thanks at the end of the video. It’s heartwarming to see.

Thank you for joining us in prayer, and for considering making a gift to help our precious familia.

In His Grip, Dave

P.S. Help take the gospel to the Border, the Baja, and Beyond
* names changed for security


  • By sustainabilitea
    Posted November 21, 2023 at 8:00 pm

    Situations like these remind us of how blessed we are and the Lord has certainly blessed many through your work and the work of those who labor with you. Thanks to all of you and may He continue to bless your endeavors.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    • By jorge
      Posted November 21, 2023 at 9:03 pm

      Yes – it’s hard to imagine what our friends are going through. Thanks for your prayers and encouragement. Happy Thanksgiving!

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted November 28, 2023 at 9:44 am

      Hope that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We just got back from visiting our family in Michigan. It’s nice to be home, but we miss our family and our little granddaughters have a way of stealing our hearts.

      • By sustainabilitea
        Posted November 28, 2023 at 10:17 am

        It’s the same with our grandson. They were supposed to be here for Thanksgiving but that didn’t work out so we had a quiet but good Thanksgiving. So much for which to be thankful!!

  • By RJ
    Posted November 23, 2023 at 11:17 am

    Happy Thanksgiving, Dave and Dawn. Thank you for your work. Blessings

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted November 25, 2023 at 7:29 pm

      Thank you! I hope that you had a wonderful and Happy Thanksgiving as well

  • By KP
    Posted January 4, 2024 at 11:16 am

    Thank you for your post. We are living in critical times and I look to a future hope when sickness is no more. Revelation 21:3,4

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