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Give Thanks for His Many Gifts!

One of the many things that Dawn and I are thankful for at this time of the year is the incredible people and ministries that we work alongside. The unbelievable thing is that they are not only amazing ministers of the gospel, but they are also wonderful friends. We feel so blessed to be able to count them as our friends, our queridos amigos!
Pastor Daniel Nuñez, the leader of Lo Mejor del Trigo in Mexico is one such incredible minister and a dear friend. Recently pastor Daniel and I went on a ministry trip together and I had the opportunity to ask him a few questions. I would like to share that interview with you here.

We give thanks for Daniel and for all of those that the Lord has privileged us to work alongside!
Pray that the Lord will raise up even more workers, even more ministry partners, so that the kingdom of God will continue to be extended!
In HIs Grip, Dave