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From Seed to Harvest: Transforming Lives in Oaxaca

God’s Hand in Church Growth
Hospital de Fe Church in Oaxaca, Mexico

Seeing God growing his church on the Border, the Baja, and Beyond is thrilling. I love working with our church planters and hearing how God uses them to bring life to communities and cities. Every time I talk to Pastor Eliel Osorio and his wife Jessica they have new stories to tell about how God is on the move changing lives.

Since April they’ve witnessed 30 more people begin attending the church. 15 of them are new believers, who recently came to faith in Christ. They now have as many as 155 attending on a Sunday. Eliel has a vision to grow to 200 by the beginning of the year and start a second service. On Sunday, June 23rd they received 58 new members into the church.

The Power of Personal Evangelism
Saturdays at the church with the young adults

I asked Eliel what they were doing to reach out and grow the church. He said that those coming are enjoying the church so much that they are inviting their friends and family. One of the women who attends is a dentist. Her name is Keira, and she loves to invite her patients to come to church. So far three of them have taken her up on the offer, and they’ve come with their families.


Jessica & Eliel

Eliel and Jessica are a fun and creative couple. They have a vision to see the younger generation reach for Christ. Reaching this demographic is crucial, as 59% of Mexico’s population is under 40, and many churches struggle to connect with them. They have weekly meetings on Saturday nights for this group. They love being together, and they are growing together in Christ.

Transforming a Rising Generation
Worship at Hospital de Fe (Hospital of Faith) Church

It’s such a joy to see Christ at work, using humble and loving friends like Eliel and Jessica. It gives me hope for the future when I see young people responding to the call of Christ.

Working with our church planters and hearing how God is transforming communities is incredibly rewarding. Pastor Eliel Osorio and his wife, Jessica, always have exciting stories about how God is at work.

Extend Your Hands to Help!
Hospital de la FE Church

Dawn and I would like to ask you to prayerfully consider making a donation today! Help Pastor Eliel and Jessica realize their God-given vision that will have a lasting impact on Oaxaca for generations to come. 

Your contribution will play a crucial role in creating a lasting positive influence in Oaxaca. Together, let’s make this vision a reality. Your support is deeply appreciated, and we believe that each contribution brings us one step closer to transforming more lives for the kingdom.

Make a Donation Today.

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Video: Lives are being Transformed by Jesus in Oaxaca

In His Grip, Dave

P.S. Help take the gospel to the Border, the Baja and Beyond
