Our Familia in Living in Crisis

I’ve been wanting to write about the ongoing crisis that our familia has been going through on the Big Island for sometime. I know that many are concerned about what is going on, and that many are praying.
The sad news is that the situation has only grown worse. Even though much of the world is starting to open up, there are still reported cases of Covid on the Big Island. The churches in most areas are not allowed to meet, which has been extremely difficult, because all of the scarcity of basic needs and of food is causing much duress.
Since January of this year, prices have gone up for food and basic goods between 250 and 300 percent and it is projected to go as high as 500% this year.
Pastor Ronaldo’s Report on the Current Status on the Big Island

One of the pastors, *Ronaldo that we are in contact with, had the following to say about the current status on the Big Island:
“We feel very burdened by the economic, social, and political situation. Honestly, the country is a mess. Hyperinflation is killing us, the cost of living has skyrocketed and there are no food supplies. To buy anything, you have to stand in long lines throughout the day (5 to 8 hours), just to buy a liter of oil [costing] 10% of my salary. The country is bankrupt, it is very sad, and we are very much affected.
This hyperinflation is hard for everyone. The finances of the church have greatly decreased and can barely cover 50% of my salary, which is 25 USD per month. That is only enough to buy a packet of coffee, a few bottles of [cooking] oil, and a packet of detergent.
It is possible now for pastors to work bi-vocationally, but the problem is that there are no jobs.”
It saddens us to see all that our familia is suffering through!
God is on the Move Despite the Suffering!

I don’t want to be overly negative about what our dear friends are experiencing. Despite these trials, there is good news as well.
The church is growing and God is on the move!
One of our church planters reported that since January they’ve shared the gospel with more than 800 people and 60 have come to Christ. Another pastor told me that they have a goal of planting 10 new churches starting this year.
It’s unbelievable to witness the resilience and commitment that these pastors have shown under some of most difficult of circumstances. God is faithful to build His church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it, as the church continues to march forward.
Dawn and I are sending aid monthly to help the pastors, their families and the families in their churches to be able to survive. Your gifts, your generous donations make it possible for us to continue sending them aid.
Pastor Lucas and Maria’s Appeal

Pastor *Lucas and his wife, *Maria recently wrote to thank us for what we’ve done and to encourage you to continue to give to their needs and to pray for them.
“David and Dawn know about our struggles and sufferings as pastors and as parents due to the great lack in the economy. They have seen our tears when not only our own children go to bed without eating food during day, but there are many children in many families who also suffer. Men, women and elderly come to our our church not only in search of God but also for a morsel of food. Many of the children come to Sunday School without even being able to drink a glass of milk, because they don’t have any at home.
We give thanks for all that David & Dawn have done for the work of the Gospel on this Island, in our city, its people, our ministries, and my family. We give thanks for all who have given us a piece of heaven on earth through your gifts. Thank you for giving bread to those who hunger and water for those who thirst. We humbly ask you in the love of Christ that you will extend your prayers, your support, and your helping hands to us!”
Extend Your Hands to Help Our Familia
Click on the button below to send a donation to today and help a family in need!

In His Grip, Dave
*not their real names for security reasons
By sustainabilitea
The Holy Spirit often has the best results during times of difficulty, but I wouldn’t wish those hardships on anyone.
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