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Equipping for the Harvest!

Growth in Grace, Skills, Knowledge and Abilities

Our group of pastors that are going through the Incubator church planing training
Our group of pastors that are going through the Incubator church planing training

I love to see people grow! It excites me when those I work with learn more, especially when it is something that will help them in their ministry. The men and women that Dawn and I work with on the border are wonderfully gifted. They love Jesus, and they have a heart to serve the people in their churches and the communities they minister in.
One of the main ways our team is helping the pastors be more equipped is through training. We just completed our second of eight training sessions on church planting. We also are working with our friends at Ministerios Transformación to help them multiply coaches.

God Brings about Growth & Change

We seeking to keep them active and involved in the learning process
We seek to keep them active and involved in the learning process

It’s encouraging to see the hunger that these friends bring to the learning process. Sometimes I wonder if we are getting through? Are we making a difference? Those going through the training have assured me that they are learning, and it’s changing the way they minister.
In the area of coaching we are seeking to create a network of coaches within Ministerios Transformación. Pastor Daniel Nuñez would like for all of his pastors to have a mentor, so we are working towards that goal.
Good food is always an important part of our time together
Good food is always an important part of our time together

In the incubator church planting training we studied contextualizing the gospel for the areas the pastor are serving in. We gave them an assignment to go into the community and observe the types of buildings, houses and businesses that are near the church. Also to ask questions that will help them learn more about the people in the community. What are the perceived and felt needs? Then they are better informed about the neighborhoods surrounding the church. They can prayerfully come up with a plan to build bridges for the gospel with their neighbors.
We have three guys in the group who either have just launched their church, or they are getting ready to begin. This info helps them to think through how they can best reach the people who live in the area where the church is located. We pray and work for more churches, but we also want pastors who are better equipped. Pastors who have a good support system in place.

Prayer is the Key

Of course prayer is a big and an important component to everything we do. You can be involved in seeing the kingdom grow through prayer. Your prayers are invaluable, and we give thanks for the part you play.
In His Grip, Dave


  • By gwencicone
    Posted October 4, 2016 at 12:35 pm

    I love to see all of their happy faces! They have the look of engaged learners!

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted October 4, 2016 at 3:11 pm

      They are a great group and we enjoy working with them.

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