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Creating a Safe Haven for Pastors

The Joy of Connecting with Like-Minded Friends

Dawn and Dave with Cesar and Kristina, Martha and Abraham - some of the wonderful ministers Dave and Dawn work with.
Dawn and Dave with Cesar and Kristina, Martha and Abraham – some of the wonderful servants Dave and Dawn work with.

As we encourage others God richly blesses us. Wow, thank you Jesus!
This past week Dawn and I had some great conversations with some of the pastors we are coming alongside in Tijuana. We have such a wonderful time encouraging one another and discussing topics related to ministry.
One of the things we try to provide for our friends is a safe place where they can share their heart. An environment where they can discuss questions about theology, their ministries and their personal struggles. There aren’t many places that pastors can go where they don’t feel like they are being scrutinized.
Time just flies by when we are with them.What a joy it is to converse with friends and grow deeper together. Often we spend three hours together and it seems like it was only a short time.

God Blesses Us as We Encourage Others!

It fills our soul!  We pray it will fill up our friends as well. They tell us the time goes by quickly for them as well, so we are thrilled that God can use us in their lives in this way.
Both Dawn and I come away from these encounters humbled. It’s humbling, because we feel privileged to minister to and play a part in the lives of such choice servants of the Lord. We are reminded we need the Lord to give us his wisdom so we give wise counsel to our friends.
I pray that the Lord will give us more ministry connections like these. They are invigorating, and we believe one of the ways God can use all of our life and ministry experience  is to pass on what we’ve learned to others. That means that we too have to be hungry to learn. We need to be committed to life long learning. Also, Dawn and I need to lean hard on the Lord and his leading. As we do so we find that the Lord opens new doors for us!
In His Holy Grip, Dave


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