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Dave sharing about our border ministry at New Valley Church on a previous visit in December

Dawn and I are looking forward to worshipping with friends at New Valley Church in Phoenix today. I must say that I’m not looking forward to enduring the heat, although I do love the warmth of the people. We are building a relationship with this church, and talking to them about partnering with us in a variety of ways on the border.
While we are in Phoenix this week we will be connecting with friends and ministry partners. On Tuesday Dawn and I will be talking to three families about the possibility of joining our team on the border. We will meet with one American couple and two Mexican couples.
Wow, do we ever need your prayers!
I notice as we are involved in front line ministry and recruiting people to join us that we often get attacked. It’s a reminder that we need people to hold us up in prayer. Last week we were going out and prayer walking and evangelizing in City Heights in San Diego, and in Rosarito, Mexico. God wonderfully blessed our time. While I was doing this Dawn was praying with and ministering to a family that had some major strongholds in their lives.
Some of the guys we were out sharing with In Rosarito
Some of the guys we were out sharing with in Rosarito

Then the onslaught began. First, my debit card was hacked, and some purchases we didn’t make came up on our statement. I had to close that debit card, which is really tough when you are traveling. I’m still dealing with the fallout of that.
Next on the way home I got stuck in Houston, and partly because of the problem with my debit card I wasn’t able to find a hotel, and I spent the night in the airport. NO fun! I posted on Facebook that I felt like Tom Hanks in the movie, The Terminal. Pardon the language, but I think it was the trip from hell.
The main point here is we need prayer coverage.  We move forward on our knees. We are convinced of the power of prayer!
My wife has reminded me more than once that dogs don’t bark at parked cars. As we seek to share Christ’s love, and in a real sense invade Satan’s territory it’s not surprising that we encounter opposition. We appreciate your prayers this week as we interact with friends about our ministry, and recruit some new potential workers. We keep seeking the Lord and asking for workers. Could this be an answer to our prayers? Stay tuned!
In His Grip, Dave
P.S. Happy Father’s Day! It’s not a job for wimps.


  • By evanlaar1922
    Posted June 17, 2012 at 1:45 pm

    Praying for you on all fronts – Happy Father’s Day!

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted June 17, 2012 at 4:53 pm

      Thanks so much. I need it and I greatly appreciate it

  • By Debbie
    Posted June 17, 2012 at 6:36 pm

    “dogs don’t bark at parked cars.” Loved that quote from the Mrs.! Thank you for giving us the opportunity to pray. It really is a privilege. God bless you as you keep keeping on in Christ!

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted June 17, 2012 at 10:00 pm

      Appreciate your encouragement and ongoing prayer!

  • By 5 Minute Bible
    Posted June 23, 2012 at 7:27 am

    I had operated as a kind of “lone ranger Christian” for quite some time. Just recently the Lord reminded me of the power of intercessory prayer, both doing the praying, and asking others to pray for you. Powerful and so necessary as we do His work. Bless you.

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted June 24, 2012 at 3:11 pm

      Yes I agree and as we think of the church as a body and how each member is vital it further strengthens the idea that we need on another.

  • By Jeremy
    Posted June 27, 2012 at 8:36 am

    We will be praying! I just checked out your blog for that very reason. I wanted to see how we could be praying for you guys. Thank you for sharing this.

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted June 27, 2012 at 8:31 pm

      Thanks – Jeremy. Now that you are in Ethiopia the Lord brings you to mind often. We are praying for you as well. You can be praying for Colorado Springs, and the huge fire. We have friends that have lost their homes, and others that are displaced with the possibility of losing their home. It’s a crazy, wild fire.

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