Freedom in Tijuana

After this last year with so many restrictions it was wonderful to participate in a Discovery Center with my friends and partners in Tijuana. Ministerios Transformación held a church planters ministry assessment. This is the first one that we’ve done in Mexico for more than a year.
I hadn’t seen some of our friends, some of the pastors that we work with in Tijuana for this last year, so it was so good to be reunited. It was refreshing to minister together again. Even though the Discovery Center creates some apprehension for the candidates, we all had a good time. We laughed a lot.
God has Blessed us with Like Minded Partners

Pastor Daniel Nuñez leads Ministerios Transformación (Transformation Ministries) and they’ve planted over 40 churches in the last 15 years. When I first met Daniel about 11 years ago, they had only planted 7 churches. Dawn and I have loved partnering with them in ministry, and they have become like family to us.
We’ve helped them plant a number of these churches, and we’ve raised the funds to build 6 churches, and we are getting ready to build the 7th this summer.
When I first met Daniel Ministerios Transformación didn’t have a way to evaluate their church planting candidates. About 6 years ago they began the Discovery Centers in partnership with Excel Leadership Network. One of the many things I’ve enjoyed about ministering on the border is all the outstanding partners the Lord has given us.
Dawn and I prayed for the Lord to give us like minded partners as we prepared to move to the border to minister. One of my mentors Dick Kauffman, who started the Harbor church planting network in San Diego told me how important it was to be aligned and to work with like minded people. This has proved to be very wise advice.
Witnessing God’s Miraculous Wonders

The Discovery Centers are very valuable tools in helping both the candidate and those evaluating to discover their strengths and weaknesses. It helps the candidates to know areas that they need to grow in. If the church planting candidate gets the green light it can also serve as an affirmation as to their calling.
The candidates are asked to share their testimonies and we have the opportunity to interview them and ask them questions. One of the candidates, Jorge told us that he was shot three times about ten years ago. The doctors told his mom that he was dead, and that only a miracle could save him. That’s exactly what happened a miracle! God brought him back to life! He was rescued from the brink of death. He wasn’t a believer during that time, nor was anyone in his family, but God in His tender mercy wasn’t finished with Jorge yet. He had a greater plan for him. This testimony deserves more time and space. I hope to write more about Jorge and how the Lord rescued him in a future post.
This was just one of the testimonies that I heard!
One of the things I enjoy the most is connecting with those involved in the Discovery Center both the staff and the candidates. I love being able to build into their lives, and to have the opportunity to speak into their lives as well. It’s also an amazing blessing to hear their stories of how the Lord has worked in their lives!
This Discovery Center was extra special, because I was able to see so many people that I hadn’t seen face to face for quite some time. The other thing that is special and that I love is we are helping these church planting candidates to extend the kingdom through starting new churches. I continue to pray that the Lord will allow me to be involved in helping plant at least 1,000 churches and this is one of the ways that I’m able to do that!
Pray with us as these new church planters begin their ministries. They are all bi-vocational which is not easy. They have a tremendous amount of commitment, which is one of the reasons I love being around them.
Extend Your Hands to Help – Donate Today!

Also pray for our familia on the Big Island as they battle to keep their families fed, and to continue to minister. Unfortunately, Basic needs and food prices are skyrocketing, while their pay has not increased. It’s not possible for them to support their family on what they are earning. Dawn and I remain committed to sending aid to the pastors and families each month.
Give a donation today to the needs of the church and our familia. Your prayers and generosity will aid these families and the gospel in undeniable ways. Make a donation today by clicking on the link below!

In His Grip, Dave
By sustainabilitea
A lovely family photo, Dave, and so much good news. I’m happy that you’re able to meet again in person. I’m experiencing that same joy as I drove the three days to get from Arizona to the Chicago area to visit friends from our former church. It’s really still our church until we find a new one in Arizona which we can now safely do. It was such a joy to see everyone and I was blessed to get such a warm welcome. I have a week and a half to enjoy all of this before heading back home Such a blessing.
Blessings on your weekend and of course, all your work and that of all those above.
By DiasoLifeOnTheBorder
Thank you for your encouragement. I missed seeing these friends, so it lifted my spirits to see them again. I’m glad that you can travel and visit some of your friends. Enjoy!
By Saddam Paysu
Hello. Over one years have been following you please pray we have partnership in ministry
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