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Breakthroughs on the Border!

God’s Amazing Work!

Dave preaching at Monte Sion
Dave preaching at Monte Sion

The Lord gave us an incredible time on Sunday in Tijuana at Monte Sion with pastor Jaime Avila and his wife, Claudia. Pastor Jaime is just beginning to come into the Lo Mejor del Trigo network of churches. We’ve gotten to know each other through the training on life transformation that I’ve taken Jaime and some of the other LMT pastors to.
God keeps taking us and the pastors deeper, which is exciting!
Dawn, Hannah, David, our nephew Tyler, our friend Polly and I all went to pastor Jaime’s church. What a marvelous time of fellowship it was!
The Lord gave us an invigorating time praying for the people in the church after my sermon. It ministered to our spirit to see the Lord touch the people. There was much brokenness and healing as they confessed their sins, and asked God to meet them in their place of need.
There are a number of things that I enjoy about the work that God has called us to. One of my favorites is visiting the churches of the pastors we are working with, and having the opportunity to exhort and encourage the people.
As we’ve ministered in this way we’ve found it to be a tremendous encouragement to the pastors, the members of their church and to us. The Lord is using us in new ways as we learn more about prayer and addressing root issues.
Glory be to God!

A Testimony of God’s Saving & Healing Work!

From the outside looking in to the Monte Sion Church in Tijuana - they are praying for a bigger and better facility
From the outside looking in to the Monte Sion Church in Tijuana – they are praying for a bigger and better facility

After the service we had the opportunity to get to know Jaime and Claudia better.
Jaime has an unbelievable testimony. He was caught in a life of addiction for 15 years before God broke through and redeemed him. During that time he lost everything – his wife, his job, his family and his dignity then he cried out to God for help.
God heard his cry. He found a church and he came to Christ!
The Lord took away his desire for the drugs and he came back to his family. He invited his wife, Claudia to visit the church and she gave her life to Christ a month later.
Claudia had epilepsy. She suffered from epileptic seizures for 13 years. She was told that she would have epilepsy for the rest of her life.
Then Jaime saw someone healed of epilepsy at the church he was going to, and he told Claudia about it. She decided to go the church. They prayed for her and she was gloriously healed of her epilepsy. She has not had a seizure for 20 years, and she doesn’t have to take medicine. What an amazing God we serve!

Join Us In Prayer!

Pray with us for Jaime and Claudia as they seek to reach their community and grow the church. The church has been through some recent trials, but God is bringing about healing and wholeness as they minister. The Lord is also doing a healing work in their family.
We see so much brokenness, so much need, but God is greater still than all our sin and sorrow. He brings restoration, and meets us in our place of need.
In His Grip, Dave


  • By sustainabilitea
    Posted July 27, 2015 at 7:02 am

    What a wonderful testimony to read on this Monday morning! Praise the Lord!

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted July 27, 2015 at 8:16 am

      Yes, we found it encouraging – a number of the pastors we work with come from difficult backgrounds. Wonderful to see the work the Lord has done and is doing in their lives.

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