Choose to Celebrate Life Over Death

Pastor Eliel & Jessica Osorio decided to throw a party on Saturday. They called it, “Noche de Vivos” (Night of the Living). On November 1 and 2 the “Día los Muertos” (Day of the Dead) is celebrated in Mexico. In the USA Halloween is celebrated on October 31st. Some of these traditions and celebrations have crossed borders and cultures over the years. There is much darkness associated with these days.
Eliel and Jessica decided to turn the tables and celebrate life instead of death. They promoted this event in the city of Oaxaca where they are planting their church. 90 people showed up to play games, have fun and hear about life in Christ. Our God is the God of the living!
The God of the Living

I asked Eliel about their celebration, and he told me that, “during these days many people celebrate, and in some ways invoke death. They do this both consciously and subconsciously, which only adds to their misery.”
“Jesus taught us that we have a God of the living and not a God of the dead, therefore we live full of hope. The Master of Galilee also challenged us to be the light of the world, precisely in situations like these where there is much darkness.” Eliel went on to say, “our church is committed to being a light, even when there is the deep darkness.”
I love the creativity that Eliel and Jessica used to turn what can be a negative and dark time into a celebration of life. A message and an event filled with much hope. The fact that almost 100 people showed up to their church’s event shows they hit a nerve. People definitely resonate with a message of hope!
Join Us in Prayer!

- Pray for Pastor Eliel and Jessica as they reach many young people in the city of Oaxaca, Mexico.
- Pray for wisdom as they build a team and disciple those that the Lord is bringing to them.
- Thank the Lord that they found a good place to meet, and that they have access to this new location every day of the week.
- Pray for the Lord’s provision for this church plant, and other church planting projects that we are involved in.
Dawn and I invite you to join us through prayer and by giving a special gift today to help advance the kingdom through our church plant in Oaxaca and Beyond! Thank you for praying for this ministry and for considering this request!

In His Grip, Dave
P.S. Help take the gospel to the Border, the Baja and Beyond!
By Priti
Pray to God to fulfill your wishes! 👍👍💐
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