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David Jr. giving his speech at San Diego Christian College
David Jr. giving his speech at San Diego Christian College

On Wednesday I tweeted a tweet (not sure how to say that, but we’ll go with it 😉 ) about being excited that our oldest son, David Jr. would be addressing the faculty and student body at San Diego Christian College. David is the student body president, and they were kicking off the school year with the first chapel. A friend of mine of my seminary days, Maribeth Myers wrote, “proud papa”. Yes that would accurately describe how I felt.
I’m proud of all three of my grown children: David, Jr.; Jonathan; Hannah. They are all excelling in what they are doing, and more importantly they love Jesus.
I want to praise the Lord for the work he has done in my family, and not boast in what we’ve done. I know that it’s God’s work in their hearts.
It was so encouraging to listen David Jr. give his speech at the chapel service. He shared about how he used to get his identity in being a missionary kid when he was a child. Then as he started playing baseball that became a big part of his identity. Over the last few years he’s been growing in his understanding of Christ’s love for him. His identity is in Christ.
David used a powerful quote from Mark Driscoll that expands on the theme of Jesus’ love for us:

Jesus loves me. That’s the bedrock of the Christian faith. We can never outgrow that one great, majestic, and simple transforming truth. Once we know Jesus’ love, we can stop using people for their love and simply start loving them as Jesus loves us.

Foot washing ceremony with President Dr. Paul Ague and David Jr. (representing the faculty and administration serving the students at SDCC)
Foot washing ceremony with President Dr. Paul Ague and David Jr. (representing the faculty and administration serving the students at SDCC)

Our identity in Christ never changes, once we are in Christ, but we do grow. In the grace of God we do become more and more like our Savior. As we become more like Christ we find ourselves loving and serving others.
I pray that each of my children along with those at San Diego Christian College will grow to know and understand the depths of Christ’s love for them. I pray this will be true for Dawn and me, and for you as you read this post!

Pray With Us

Ron & Virginia Diaso (Dave's dad and mom)
Ron & Virginia Diaso (Dave’s dad and mom)

On a side note, I’d like to ask you to join me in prayer for my dad, Ron Diaso. He will be undergoing a heart bypass surgery on September 4th at 7 AM, PT. Pray that the Lord will guide the doctors hands, and that my dad will make it through the surgery. The doctors feel confident going into the surgery, but I know we need the divine doctors care. I will be going up to Fresno this week to be with my parents for the surgery.
Thanks so much for standing with us on this journey, and for encouraging us along the way!
In His Grip, Dave


  • By ddkaarre
    Posted August 31, 2013 at 1:53 pm

    Congrats Proud Papa! Our kids are such blessings in our lives…even when they are grown.

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted August 31, 2013 at 5:55 pm

      I do thank the Lord for my kids, they are a true blessing.

  • By God Does Reassemble Shattered Pieces
    Posted August 31, 2013 at 6:56 pm

    It is always a blessing when we see that our children are following the Lord with their lives. Being a missionary family our selves we know that God’s direction doesn’t necessarily mean the same ministry that we are in. What God leads them to do will be exactly right! So happy for your family! It’s obvious you, as parents have done a good job!

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted August 31, 2013 at 11:20 pm

      We continue to lift our children up to the Lord, and ask him to lead and direct them. I hope the Lord encourages and blesses your family as you seek and serve him in missions.

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  • By susanprestonbooks
    Posted September 8, 2013 at 12:58 am

    We are heading off for the US, church conference… then on the way back to OZ stopping off in Scotland to see our son and his family. I have a granddaughter that I haven’t met! We are looking forward to meeting her. Apparently she has quite a temper. I have been praying for a spirit of peace for her. God bless you and your family, protecting them from harm and delivering them from evil. Blessings, Susan

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