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A New Season & A New Church

Baseball & Church Planting

Dave with Pastor Ivan
Dave with Pastor Ivan on the foundation for the new church plant

I’m excited about two events that are going on this week. One is the beginning of baseball season, and second is the building of the new church in Tijuana.
On Tuesday I will be with some church planters to discuss church planting in Southern California and Tijuana. Then after the meeting we’ll go to a baseball game together. That’s like a day made in heaven!

Hope for Valle Verde

As much as I may enjoy baseball, the new church is even better. When you think of all the lives that will be touched, and the people who will be reached for the kingdom in the community of Valle Verde in Tijuana. Wow! What a privilege to play a part in that.

Join Us in Prayer

Meeting on Sunday with some of the people that will be going to build the church in TJ
Meeting on Sunday with some of the people that will be going to build the church in TJ

Pray with us for all the details as we make the final preparations for our trip to Tijuana with a group from the Harbor network of churches on April 5th and 12th. I’m still working on setting up all the van transportation, and getting all the insurance forms filled out. The details aren’t the fun part of the trip for me, but very necessary if we wish to have a successful trip.
Our church planting couple Ivan and Rocio Casados just got back from the church planting assessment center in Monterrey, Mexico. They did very well there, and told me that it was a real blessing for them to be there. Ivan said that they were able to learn more about themselves and church planting through their time in Monterrey.
Thank you Jesus for your good work!
One of the many things that encourages me as we serve here on the border is that the longer we are here the more we learn and we are able to improve. God’s grace enters in and allows us to do an even better work.
Rejoice with us! Pray for a wonderful two weekends and a Spirit  inspired launch of this new church plant.
In His Grip, Dave


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