Our Easter Hope in the Midst of COVID-19

Dawn and I hope you had a wonderful Easter! I mean, we realize that it was an unusual Easter, since we are all confined to our homes. Yet, it’s wonderful to think about Christians all around the world celebrating the resurrection of Christ. Jesus death and resurrection give us a future and a hope.
As Believers we have reason to be hopeful. Last Wednesday, April 8 was the beginning of the Passover, and it was also Holy Week. God is at work during this time, and although the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy He who is in us is greater. Satan seeks to do us harm through the coronavirus and what’s going on around the world, but I believe God will use it for good.
We are looking to Lord to breakthrough and bring revival!
God is on the Move!
Today I made a short 5 minute video, and in it I share some of our experiences over the last month. I think you will find it encouraging.
Pastor René & Yarlis Peñate

As I mention in the video I just recently returned from Cuba where I was involved in training 102 church planters in four different cities. Pastor René Peñate is one of the church planters who was involved in the training.
This morning Pastor Rene and his wife, Yarelis sent me a video of Yarelis and their children singing the song Forever (Por Siempre), which was co-written by Kari Jobe. This is a powerful song with a great Easter message. We actually sang this song at our daughter, Hannah’s funeral. Kari Jobe was one of Hannah’s favorite artists so the song and the artist have a special significance for our family.
Forever (English version) performed by Kari Jobe
We do sing Hallelujah, because the Lamb has overcome. Forever He is glorified, forever His is lifted high, He is Alive!
Thanks for doing us on this journey of faith!
In His Grip, Dave
By sustainabilitea
I can’t listen right now, but I enjoyed the post. God is the God of Easter, the risen Lord no matter what happens on earth. As a meme on Facebook put is so well: The churches may be empty, but so it the tomb. He is risen. Hallelujah!
By DiasoLifeOnTheBorder
Yes, we are so thankful for the cross and the victory we have in Christ. I believe that the Lord is doing something special right now, and that we are going to begin to see breakthrough soon. That’s what I’m praying for
By Donna Baird
Good Evening Dave ~ thank you for the updates. I printed your prayer requests back in March….from your 3/9/20 email. I’ve done some searching on this update, but am having a difficult time finding your prayer requests (without photos…..to make printing more economical). Could you please guide me as to where to go for easy printing?
Thank you…God bless,
By DiasoLifeOnTheBorder
I will copy the text for you. Thanks for praying for us!
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