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Invigorated by God’s Power to Change Lives!

Open Doors on the Road

The Youth leading us in worship at the mother church where Luis is pastor
The Youth leading us in worship at the mother church where Luis is the pastor

Dawn and I are often amazed by all that the Lord does when traveling and when we are here on the border ministering. We recently returned from a ministry trip to the Villahermosa area, which is in Southeastern Mexico. We went there to work with a team to train pastors and church planters, but God had much more in mind for us.
On the weekend we were supposed to go Coatzacoalcos to meet with some pastors there, but those plans fell through. That gave us a great opportunity to spend more time with Pastor Luis and his wife, Gina. Luis asked me to preach in one of the mission churches.

Prayer Brings Breakthrough

Worship at the mission church where I preached. Pastor Luis is leading the service
Worship at the mission church where I preached. Pastor Luis is leading the service

It was a celebration service as they were celebrating the anniversary of the mission. At the end of my sermon, I asked the people to stand and I led them through a prayer that I’ve found to be powerful in helping set people free. After the time of prayer, I told the congregation that Dawn and I would be willing to meet with anyone that needed prayer.
At first, no one asked for prayer, but during the meal after the service one of the women told me she would like to meet with us.
Dawn and I met with Patricia and her twelve-year-old son, Mauricio. We found out that Patricia’s husband had recently left her, and it was hard on her son. Mauricio was acting out and even threatened to kill her. After hearing their story we led them through some helpful and powerful prayers, and we explained the gospel to them.

New Life in Christ

We asked both Patricia and Mauricio if they would like to pray to receive Christ with us. They said yes, so Dawn and I led them in prayer. Immediately after the prayer, we could see a shift in Mauricio’s attitude. He was experiencing the peace of God.
Dawn and I realized that it was important for them to reconcile with God, but also to reconcile to one another. We helped them to pray and to ask for forgiveness. Mauricio asked his mom to forgive him and then he gave her a big hug! Patricia was in tears as they hugged. God is good!
There is still work to be done, but it was so good to see the power of God break through in that situation. Pastor Luis is following up with them, and working with them as they continue to grow in their faith.

Continue to Join us in Prayer!

Thank you for praying for us, and for joining us on this journey!
Thank you for praying for us, and for joining us on this journey!

I’d like to ask you to pray for Patricia and Mauricio and others like them who are in need. The battle is very real, and the enemy doesn’t play fair and he doesn’t give up easily. We trust the Lord and his promises as he tells us that we are more than conquerors in Christ! O that this will be true in their lives, and that they will begin to walk in victory as they seek and serve the King of Kings and the Lord of Lord’s.
Pastor Luis told me that there are many people in the churches who are involved in witchcraft in Villahermosa. They hide it, but they secretly get involved in these occult practices instead of trusting the power of God.
Later that evening I was able to minister to a man who has been involved in witchcraft. I’d like to write more about that experience soon. Sometimes it’s hard to get all of what God is doing down. That often is the case, the Lord is doing so much that it’s difficult to post it all. Let me say in closing, I believe one of the reasons the Lord is opening these doors for us to minister in this way is because of all the people praying for us. My blog isn’t just about getting the word out, but we earnestly need and desire prayer.
Thanks so much for joining us and for praying with us!
In His Grip, Dave

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