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Much to Celebrate 🎉 in Mexico!

An Exciting Time!

The amazing group we took down to Mexicali to build the church in Hannah’s memory
The amazing group we took down to Mexicali to build the church in Hannah’s memory

This is an exciting time of year for us. A little over a week ago we finished building the church in Hannah’s memory in Mexicali, Mexico. That was a huge accomplishment for us, and we are so grateful the Lord provided the way and the people to pull that off! 34 people from the US joined us and another 30 from Mexico participated. Dawn, David, Jonathan and I are still in awe over all the love we were shown as we built this church. Thank you Jesus!
Pastor Mere and Edna
Pastor Mere and Edna

We are getting ready for the inauguration of the church with Pastor Mere Godinez and his wife, Edna on May 6th. Our family is so grateful for Pastor Mere and Edna. They are wonderful young ministers of the gospel. God is already working and moving in the community in Mexicali where we are planting this church.

Time to Celebrate

Celebrating 3 years with Pastor Victor Bravo and his wife, Sol. Wonderful friends!
Celebrating 3 years with Pastor Victor Bravo and his wife, Sol. Wonderful friends!

This past Sunday we celebrated the 3 year anniversary of a church that we helped start with Ministerios Transformación in Rosarito, Mexico. Pastor Victor Bravo and his wife, Sol have done an excellent job planting the church and reaching out in the community. They are creative and very active and the Lord is using them to make a difference. It was so good to celebrate with them. Victor and Sol along with the church honored the part that we played in helping to start the church by recognizing us during the service. It was an encouragement to receive their demonstration of love and appreciation.
The Mariachis leading worship
The Mariachis leading worship

I had the opportunity to preach at the church in Rosarito on Sunday. It was a special day. We rejoice in what the Lord is doing through this church. The church was filled with many joyous people. The worship leaders for the service was a Christian mariachi band. Mariachi music is traditional Mexican music that tends to be sung with a lot of energy and emotion. Viva Mexico! Gloria a Dios!

God’s Healing Work!

Dawn with Miroslava and her daughter, Michele
Dawn with Miroslava and her daughter, Michele

The time was also special because we met a 15 year old friend, Michele who had leukemia. We had been praying for Michele along with her family and the church. The last time we visited the church we prayed with her parents Salvador and Miroslava and the Lord broke through and began to heal Michele. I’d like to write more about what God did and is doing in the life of this family in the near future.
We pray for more. More Lord! Keep it coming. More people coming to Christ. More people growing in their faith. More hunger and growth. O Lord, hear our prayer and do your mighty work!
In His Grip, Dave